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It's Always Time

by Oblimo

Act Two: Secret Origins

Chapter Four

You Can't Break


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The phone rang.




"You. Have. A, collect, call. From …Hey, Galatea, it's me Ga—… Do you accept-the-charge? Say 'yes,' or, 'no.'"




"…I'm sorry, I did-not-understand. Please say 'yes' or 'no.'"


"Yeeesss. Bitch."


"Thank you. Caller, your call has gone-through."


"Hey, Galatea! It's me, Galatea."


"No shit. Where are you?"


"I dunno, at a payphone in some parking lot somewhere. Dee's in the car and some of me snuck away to make sure you haven't gone batshit-insane horny yet."


"It's pretty touch and go with me right now. What's going on?"


"Dee's getting us a gift. He showed me. Oh, it's wonderful, it's so romantic, and then he like really, really fulfilled me and—"


"And so you've kidnapped him to see if he can die fucking."




"Don't give me that crap. Dee can make me cum by just saying 'Hello.' If he was stupid enough to actually try something that romantic with me I'd get so turned on I'd suck and fuck him until his head caved in."


"Eh-heh, yeah, he is kinda tied up at the moment. Sorta. That's why I'm calling. We're going to be a little late, but don't worry, he's with you. I mean me. Us."


"That's exactly why I'm worried."


"Oh, c'mon, Galatea. Dee can't die. He's Dee. He's the one."


"Yeah, yeah. The one you've got and I don't."


"Think of it this way: When we reassimilate, we'll have both the denial and the satisfaction of the exact same experience. Won't that be awesome? What's that noise?"


"The blender. You get Dee and I get Nyquil slushies."


"It'll be great. And wait to you feel what it's like to be full. Do you think any of us has ever been full? Ever? In all these years? No way, not until Dee. You'll see…look, I, uh, I wanna get back there. It sounds like the party's gettin' started. Just thinking about it makes me kinda, uh…"


"Welcome to the club. Listen, I've been thinking, and maybe you should tell him—"


"Thinking! Yeah, thinking's good! You go do that s'more. I gottagoseeyabye."




"God dammit."





Dee opened his eyes. Almost three dozen pairs of burning emerald eyes glittered back at him in the murky glow from the overhead light. Thirty-two cupid-bow lips puckered into identical, knowing smirks. "Of course," he said, setting aflutter many dragonfly wings at the sound of his voice, filling the cabin of the car with the buzzing of a beehive. "It's always time."


Dee sat at the center of a semi-circle of quart-sized green fairies. Fée Galatea still capped his cock with her outspread sex but now a horde of hands held her in place. Fairies stood in the foot well to lug on her hips. Fairies thread themselves through the steering column to grapple her arms. Fairies overhung the dashboard above the wheel to push down on the top of her head. Fairies sat on Dee's knees to cling to her chest. Fairies huddled in his lap to tug at her legs.


"Oh fuck. Oh shit. Oh God," Fée Galatea said, hyperventilating.


All the fairies shifted their weight against her. "Do it, do it, do it," she hissed, "just fucking do it."


Moving as one, the fairies pressed down on her shoulders, pushed down on her head, yanked on her arms, hauled on her hips, heaved on her legs, and drilled Dee into her, her body bulging as Dee's dick squeezed up, and up, and up. Fée Galatea gaped at Dee, gawking and mute, as she descended. After a few breathless, silent seconds, her ass touched down on Dee's balls and she screamed a single, fervid, "Yes!"


The tide of the fairies' efforts turned and Fée Galatea slid up, leaving Dee's cock coated in molten green honey. Her frenzied gaze sought his. When his glans finally slipped out of her sex, she wept. "Please," she whimpered. "Please, please, oh, please…More."


The fairies brought Fée Galatea glissading down over Dee's nectar-painted dick, fast and hard, grinding her ass and sex against the base of his shaft—"Yes!"—before wrenching her back up and off. The fairies tilted her about in tiny, teasing circles over his glans. "More, more, more," she begged.


The fairies slammed her down and rocked her hips around. "Oh my God, ohmyGod…" They hiked her up, slow and steady. "N-no," she said as she rose. "Please, no. No! I want him in me." Dee's dick fell free. "God, no! I want him in me! I need him in me plea—Yes! Yes! I—No, bring him back, bringhimback! Dee, fuck me, oh, please, fuck me, Dee!"


The blanketing heat, the overpowering smell of Galatea's sex, the teasing, squeezing, embrace of her pussy, and the little sounds of her pleasure, pleading, passion, and agony had already driven Dee wild, but her last words pushed him over the edge. His hands flew from the steering wheel and flung dozens of green fairies into the far corners of the car. A fairy bounced off the overhead light and Dee and Fée Galatea found themselves together, alone, in a green-tinted world.


Fée Galatea reached out and wrapped Dee's hands around her. "Fuck me, Dee," she sighed, kissing the curves of his fingers. "Take me. Forever. Love me. Forever."


"Always," Dee said, curled up to kiss her, and entered into her.


Fée Galatea tucked her head under Dee's breastbone and pulled the shorn undershirt over herself like a shawl. "I love you," she whispered as they moved against each other. "I love you. Cum in me now, Dee." Dee's pace quickened. "Yes, Dee. You've made me cum so much already. Let yourself cum. I'm full, Dee. I'm happy. You've made me so happy. Cum for me, Dee. Let yourself go. You won't hurt me. You would never hurt me. Fuck me as hard as you want."


Dee fell back into the seat and mashed her into his stomach. "Yes," Fée Galatea said, "as hard as you want. I can take it. I want it. I want you to cum in me." He jammed her over his dick. "Yes," Fée Galatea whispered again, "do anything, everything that feels good." She kissed the flesh of his muscled belly when he pumped her down, cradled the undershirt against her cheek when he jerked her away. "I want to make you feel good. I want you to feel so good, Dee. I want you to—Oh my God!" Dee rammed her down, again and again. "So hard, so strong, so solid!" He squeezed her close enough for her gelled flesh to ooze out and spill over his fingers. "Yes, fuck me!" His hands rippled inside her.


"Always!" Fée Galatea cried, and Dee seized up and came.


The fit passed. Dee's hands and dick were coated in a mix of spunk and formless green gunk. "Galatea," he said, "did you like it? Did I go too far? I thought you wanted—"


The green goo in his lap just giggled at him: "Ah-hah, ah-hum, hm-mm."


Dee laughed as Fée Galatea coagulated out of green, slimy chaos. "When you said you needed it bad," he said, "and you needed to be bad, you weren't fooling around."


"You did it, Dee. You fucked me apart," Fée Galatea said. "You fucked me to itty bitty pieces. I knew this was going to be the greatest fuck I've ever had, but I never imagined how out-of-control it would really feel…" In miniature, her wicked knife-toothed grin looked full of needles. "Let's do it again!"


Dee dropped the crook of his arm over his eyes. "Lord all-mighty," Dee said.


Fée Galatea nuzzled his dick. "You know you can," she said.


Dee glanced at the dashboard's digital clock. "But it's almost seven." He watched her wriggle and dance against him for a while. "Well," he pondered, "I suppose that at this size it would only take me a few minutes to screw you senseless—"


Someone interrupted him with a polite cough. It rebounded around the car over two dozen times. Thirty-one green fairies arched their eyebrows at him from shadowy wells and corners.


"Oh, shit," Dee said. "I'm sorry, guys. Girls. Galateas."


A few green fairies crawled out onto the passenger seat. "What are you sorry about?" one fairy demanded. "That was awesome. You were awesome. And you know it."


Agreement echoed around him as the green fairies crept out from hiding. "Yeah!" "Fuck, yes." "Totally blew my mind." "Really? Mine too!" "Well, duh."


"But what we really want an explanation for," said a green fairy standing on the cluttered backseat, "is this." She pushed aside a silvered solar reflector, rifled through a small tote bag, and tossed an overstuffed, zipper-locked freezer bag at him.


Fée Galatea's neck elongated so she could get a better look. "You brought along a second set of clothes," she said, "you vacuumed sealed a second set of clothes. You seconded-guessed me? Again?"


"I didn't know," Dee said, "I only suspected. I know how much you like ambush-sex, and I know you know how much I like ambush-sex, and I really can't walk around in shredded clothes covered in green slime where we're going, even the kind of place that's open late at night. You're not mad, are you?"


Dee felt the pressure of thirty-one silent needled grins. "So, uh," said Dee, looking to Fée Galatea in desperation. "What happens now?"


She glared at him but soon relented. "Okay, okay," she said, turning to her duplicates. "How are we going to work this out?"


"Work what out?" said Dee.


A green fairy swung over the head rest and onto his shoulder. "How's about I pick a number from one to one hundred?" she suggested.


"Pfft," dismissed one of the green fairies standing on the passenger seat. "That would never work."


The fairy on his shoulder crinkled her face in confusion. "Why not?"


Thirty-one pairs of eyes rolled, and the green fairies all chorused: "Sixty-nine."


The fairy on his shoulder giggled. "Oh, yeah!" She slung down into Dee's lap next to Fée Galatea. "Let's wrestle for it!"


The other fairies hissed and catcalled. "Boo!" "Lame!" "No Jell-O wrestling jokes!"


"Wait a minute," said Dee, aghast. "You don't really mean you all want me to—"


The catcalls got louder. "As if you didn't know!" "As if you didn’t want to!" "No playing hard to get!" "Actually, I like it when he plays hard to get." "Yes, yes, everyone knows that already. Now shut up."


"But," Dee said, "couldn't you all just reassimilate and re-remember?"


"No way!" "It's not the same!" "I want to re-remember being fucked apart for the first time, thirty-two fucking times!"


"Ooh, yeah!" came the resounding, unanimous reply.


Then: "Holy shit, why didn't I think of that?" "There's no way he can argue around that one." "Wow, wow!" "Hey, uh, I came just thinking about it. Did you? Anyone else? No? Hm."


The green fairy standing next to Fée Galatea started to hop and clap. "I got it, I got it!" she cried. "Dirty talk contest! Whoever turns Dee on the most goes first!"


"Good idea." "That'll work!" "Let's do it!" "Um, I still cum whenever I think about the whole 'getting fucked apart for the first time thirty-two times' thing. Maybe I should go first before I go, like, bugfuck nuts or something?"


"I don't believe this," Dee muttered.


Fée Galatea batted playfully at Dee's cock. "You love it," she said.


"Yes, I love it," Dee said, leering, "but I still don't believe it."


Dee heard the patter of tiny hands rapping against the driver side's rear door. "I made the phone call. The Galatea back at the apartment is just fine. What's goin' on? Don't make me go through the tailpipe again. Lemme in!"





Galatea loosened her throat and the rubbery, peach-colored cock flopped out of her mouth. "It's not the same," she moaned, sagging back into the couch. She snatched up an empty bottle of Nyquil and filled it with a few feet of coiling tongue, searching out every last drop.


"You should try it from this end," said Dee's voice. "It really sucks."


"'Oo don' eefin thound wike him," Galatea lisped around the bobbling Nyquil bottle. "Not wealy."


"This was your idea, if you care to recall," said Dee's voice. "I believe your exact words were: 'I'm tired of waiting for Dee.' Then, a couple hours later, you said, 'I'm sick and tired of eating pussy. How's 'bout we flip a coin, and the loser has to morph into Dee and do whatever the winner wants?'"


"Thath a wittle bettah," Galatea lisped, "but it dothent make me wet." Her tongue rolled back between her lips and the bottle fell free. She stood up. "Maybe I should sit on your face?"


The cartoony Dee clone, naked skin the color of a politically incorrect "flesh" crayon from the 1970s, tried to shrug, but it was hogtied to the coffee table with torn strips of bedclothes and doing its best to impersonate solidity. "Maybe we should talk," it suggested.


Galatea wobbled over to the other end of the coffee table and braced the clone's head between her thighs. "What've we got to talk about?"


"That's exactly my point," said the clone. "We—me and you, Galatea, I mean—don't ever just talk with Dee, do we? I don't mean talking dirty, or roleplaying, or warm fuzzies. Just talk."


Galatea glowered down at it.


"Is it because we don’t have anything to tell him," the clone said, "or is it because there's too much we want to tell him?"


Galatea squeezed her knees shut, concaving the clone's jellified head into an hourglass shape. "Now you sound too much like Dee. He is such a girl, I swear," she grumbled, glaring at her fist as she shook it. "I mean, it's past nine o'clock already, and I bet he's still asking for foreplay with me in that stupid car. And he resisted fucking me for three days. Three days! He wanted nonstop foreplay for three whole days!"


"It was a nightmare," the clone agreed, speaking in Galatea's voice this time, the peach souring into a pickled green. The clone slipped out of the restrains and fluffed up into full femininity. "And now he wants to fuck and fuck and have hours of foreplay. He's insatiable. Inhuman. Monsterous. He just wants more, and more, and more."


Galatea knelt to give the clone a fierce bear hug. "I love it," they both sighed.


Galatea and her duplicate spoke in an exchange so quick she had trouble figuring out who said what: "He's incredible." "He's unstoppable." "He's perfect." "She was right, he's the one." "He'd better be; if he's not, then the real one would kill me." "Do you think she learned anything at SRU?" "I hope so, I know so little, and there's so little time." "So what do we do?" "We tell him." "Now?" "No, but soon." "You're right, we need to move beyond sex first." "Dinners and movies and meeting the parents, stuff like that?" "Stuff like that, yes, but nothing so…so mortal." "You don't mean—" "Oh shit, he's back!"


Keys rattled on the other side of the front door and the deadbolt slid back. A quick green oil slick seeped in between the door and the floor, congealed into a Thumbelina-sized green fairy and sprang into the air. She zipped into the living room, dragonfly wings blurring faster than a humming bird's, as the keys rattled and clicked into the doorknob. "Reassimilate. Now," the green fairy told Galatea. "Eat me. Now."


"But," said the Galatea on the coffee table as the doorknob began to turn, "shouldn't we wait so Dee can watch—"


"No," the tiny green fairy said, and zipped close. Galatea saw she was crying. The front door cracked open. "Now. You need to re-remember. Now."


"What—" the standing Galatea said, but the green fairy flew into her open mouth, shouting, "Now!"


Galatea swallowed the green fairy down as Dee came through the front door. The little fairy dissolved in an instant but it always took a few moments of concentration for the nanomek of two duplicates to reintegrate into a single web of mind and memory. Galatea waited for the flood of vivid flashbacks she called "re-remembering" until Dee stepped into the living room. She saw the haunted, unreadable expression on Dee's face and could not think of anything at all. He wore different clothes from when she saw him last, a weathered denim button-down and a pair of khaki pants. He held a long grey cardboard box in one hand and a crooked tire iron in the other.


The duplicate on the table huddled close to Galatea. They exchanged worried glances and merged without any of Galatea's usual theatrical, kinky flair. "Dee," she whispered, wishing the memories would come, "what's wrong?"


A full sized green fairy crept around Dee and took her by the hand. "He's leaving," she said.


Galatea tore free of the fairy's grasp. "I don't want to remember," she said, stumbling back. "I don't want to remember!"


"I don't think you have a choice. Fée remembers," he said, pointing with the bent tire iron. "It's already happened to her, to you. And you and I need to talk. No games, no lies. Just talk, right now, or I leave, right now."


The green fairy reached for her again. "It's time," she said.


Galatea fell into the couch. "No," she said, hands fluttering about her throat. "No, no, no, no."


The green fairy turned to Dee. Dee pulled a balled-up piece of printer paper from a pocket of his leather jacket and handed it over. The green fairy smoothed it out, kissed it, and pressed it into one of Galatea's palms. Galatea looked down. Under the green lip-print, she saw a pencil sketched X, its thick, staggered curves swooping in a slight slant to evoke the impression of a dancer with arms upraised. She glanced at the very similar mark on her own left breast. "I don't understand," she said.


The green fairy joined her on the couch. "You will," she said, sliding sideways into Galatea's gel like someone slipping into a heavy fur coat. "You will," the green fairy said again, and disappeared into Galatea, leaving only concentric rings rippling out from her chest.


Galatea gasped—so much nanomek! More nanomek than ever before, more than she ever imagined could exist within her, swarmed and swam and rewove the web of her memory. Dee was right, she realized, as the overabundance of nanomek forced a cascade of flashbacks, I don't have a choice. She re-remembered a ferocious jealousy quickly replaced by such joy, such fulfillment, such happiness, and then an eternity of agonizing anticipation followed by so much amazing, mind-blowing sex that her mental web almost unraveled. He is the one, she thought.


But the re-remembering continued, the flashbacks unspooling closer and closer to the present, and somewhere within her, the melancholy green fairy thought, He was the one.


Don't believe in fear,

Don't believe in faith,

Don't believe in anything

That you can't break.


—Garbage, Stupid Girl




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