

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 7 months ago

Page of Lists

LAST UPDATE 07/05/07



Dramatis Scenae

Sex Scenes Remaining in Story: 2

Characters Writing Progress
Ursula, Nyx, entire E-Z sorority Really wishing I hadn't thought of it.
Dee, Black Cherry Brainstorming


Sex Scenes Completed So Far: 23

Characters Title
Dee, Galatea Demonic 15 Point Fleshlight Palm Technique
Dee, Galatea "An ordinary gallon of milk, ladies and gentlemen!"
Dee, Galatea "What's my fucking name?"
Dee, Galatea, Apple Venus, Fee Verte, Lilith "Drink me, eat me, feed me, fill me, fuck me!"
Dee, Galatea The most outrageous tit-fuck in history
Dee, Galatea She swallowed his legs
Dee, Galatea "I was…never…drowning…learning…how to…swim."
Dee, Galatea "Shower scene! Shower scene!"
Dee, Fee Galatea (x33) "This is going to be the greatest fuck I've ever had."
Dee, Black Cherry "Cum in me now. Eat me now. Become me, now!"
Yves, Black Cherry "Plaything wants to play."
Ursula, Galatea The vampire attacked
Ursula, Galatea Lessons One through Three
Ursula, Galatea Lesson Four, the bodysuit
Ursula, Galatea Lesson Five, the mindfuck
Dee, Eurydice (x2) "Pluvia Scaenae!"
Ursula, Nyx "Tobey McGuire, eat your fucking heart out."
Dee, Galatea Fleshlight Flashback & Kudzu, Kudzu, KUDZU!
Dee, Skank-Bot Trio Zombie Cockfight
Tomoe solo Yang bath!
Unyx, Jo "And the spooge shall set you free."
SB, Yves Girls, Lakes, Swords
Everybody Else Power Up on the Green Bed


Scene Locations So Far: 13

Dee's Apartment
SRU Medical Technology
Bee's Apartment
Dee's Volkswagen
A Darkened Alley
A Grocery Store
Jack's Parlor
A Gay Bar
Yves' Jeep
Ursula's Apartment
Epsilon Zeta Sorority House: Kitchen, Bedroom, Basement
Under an Overpass
Fallow Field


Scene Locations Remaining: 0


Dramatis Personae

Number of Speaking Roles so Far: 30

NameDescription Last seen...
Deiter "Dee" Detwiler the nerd, a lime guy asleep
SRU Clerk a jerk told not to go into supply closet, whereabouts unknown
"Tomoe Exposition" Mysterious Shopkeeper, SRU Medical Technology escaping being Hentai'd
Galatea the green girl, lime meliae thought to be inside EZ House, kidnapped or worse
Apple Venus aspect of Galatea dissolved into sea foam
Fee Verte aspect of Galatea devoured by titaness
Lilith aspect of Galatea unbirthed by titaness
Bernie "Bee" Berthiaume the creep, a downstairs neighbor slain, devoured by Black Cherry
"SB" Tomoe's girlfriend, strawberry banana meliae with Yves by the resevior
Fee Galatea pint-sized aspect of Galatea, Fee Verte reemergent reassimilated
Jack body modification parlor owner, master inker made a deal with Dee
Three Girls in an SUV sorority sisters of Epsilon Zeta de-zombified
Blonde Easy One of the 3 from the SUV naked, picked up by state police
Redhead Easy One of the 3 from the SUV naked, picked up by state police
Jo Echo Brunette from the SUV escaping being Hentai'd
Eddie, grocery store clerk a very unlucky, lucky young man pinned by Black Cherry
Black Cherry the scarlet girl, succubus, cherry & devil's food meliae back at EZ House
Yves the bishonen, an aikidoka with SB by the resevior
Coed college coed in a little black dress running away, mortified
Ursula the goth, a bad witch going hentai, part of Unyx
Eurydice the other green girl eaten by CeeCee, now Key Lime
Nyx the obsidian girl, devil's food pudding & latex meliae going hentai, part of Unyx
Cheesecake aka CeeCee the amber woman, cheesecake pie filling meliae getting Hentai'd, part of Key Lime
Raspberry aka Raz, the lavender girl, raspberry meliae getting some tail
Mini-Me Galatea emergency memory web burned up talking to Ursula and Nyx
Unyx Ursula & Nyx recombinant going hentai on Key Lime and Raspberry
Cable Guy "Average Joe" lured into EZ House gangbanged by EZs, possibly to death
Pizza Guy "Average Joe" lured into EZ House pinned by Black Cherry
Paperboy 18 year old paperboy. Yes, really. Shut up. ogling Black Cherry
Key Lime When CeeCee ate Eurydice getting Hentia'd by Unyx


Number of Anticipated Speaking Roles Left: 0


Magic Artifacts Mentioned: 10

Name Description
Tin of Nanomek Techno-alchemical handwavium magic powder, makes meliae
SRU-label hormone supplements "You want to be a dickgirl, Dee? Why didn't you say so before?"
SRU-label herbal-enzyme male enhancement supplements "God, no, what if he took some right here in the store I don't think my mind could take it."
SRU Store doorbell Cloister bell, gift to Iseult the Fair from Tristan.
Sefer Sudoku What the Necronomicon wants to be when it grows up.
SRU pickled ginseng Will knock your socks off, whatever that means.
SRU-label unisex body spray Unspecified but probably pretty intense.
SRU-label anti-aging cosmetics A favorite of Stewy's wife, Kelly (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
Endymizene "One pill, and you sleep so good you never want to wake up." (Myth of Endymion)
Pale Sword Yves' tachi, forged and borne by SB

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