<p><!--raw0Tag--><script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.haloscan.com/load/oblimo"></script>
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<!--/raw0Tag--><div style="font-size:8pt;background:#eaf2da">• <em>08/31/08</em> - Remember when I said Nymphonomicon was coming in the Fall of 2008? I was dead serious: <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Nymph-Latest-Frame" target="_top">Nymphonomicon teaser update</a>.
<p>• <em>08/03/08</em> - <i>Final</i> web comic <a href="http://novilunium.pbwiki.com/Novilunium-Comic-Latest" target="_top">update</a>! Now to get my house in order so I can start posting stories again.
<p>• <em>07/27/08</em> - A web comic <a href="http://novilunium.pbwiki.com/Novi-Comic-Ep-11" target="_top">update</a> with the hints of a <i>plot</i>, ladies and gentlemen!
<p>• <em>07/20/08</em> - A <i>very special 10th episode</i> web comic <a href="http://novilunium.pbwiki.com/Novi-Comic-Ep-10" target="_top">update</a>! More Raz than you can shake a stick at.
<p>• <em>07/16/08</em> - <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Two-Become-One" target="_top">Two Become One Chapter 3 update</a>! The author's name is Grotto, and if you want more please leave comments on the story page!
<p>• <em>07/14/08</em> - A popular new shapeshifting sex-fic has been making its way around /d/ (the forum where all this started), and I'm hosting it here: <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Two-Become-One" target="_top">Two Become One</a>.
<p>• <em>07/13/08</em> - An <i>all Raspberry</i> web comic <a href="http://novilunium.pbwiki.com/Novi-Comic-Ep-9" target="_top">update</a>!
<p>• <em>07/05/08</em> - An <i>especially gooey</i> web comic <a href="http://novilunium.pbwiki.com/Novi-Comic-Ep-8" target="_top">update</a>!
<p>• <em>06/29/08</em> - An <i>absurdly</i> ahead-of-schedule web comic <a href="http://novilunium.pbwiki.com/Novi-Comic-Ep-7" target="_top">update</a>! It's almost as if we're doing weekly updates...
<p>• <em>06/22/08</em> - An <i>even more</i> ahead-of-schedule web comic <a href="http://novilunium.pbwiki.com/Novi-Comic-Ep-6" target="_top">update</a>!
<p>• <em>06/15/08</em> - An <i>ahead-of-schedule</i> web comic <a href="http://novilunium.pbwiki.com/Novi-Comic-Ep-5" target="_top">update</a>!
<p>• <em>06/07/08</em> - Another <i>on schedule</i> web comic <a href="http://novilunium.pbwiki.com/Novi-Comic-Ep-4" target="_top">update</a>!
<p>• <em>05/25/08</em> - Web comic <a href="http://novilunium.pbwiki.com/Novi-Comic-Ep-3" target="_top">update</a>! You'd almost think that the promised summer <a href="http://novilunium.pbwiki.com/Home" target="_top">Novilunium series</a> is up and running!
<p>• <em>05/04/08</em> - Added <a href="http://zeroden.pbwiki.com/" target="_top">AdamZ's wiki</a> to the links page. Good luck, Adam! Also, since I have not been able to use meebo at work, I've put a <a href="http://twitter.com/oblimo" target="_top">twitter box</a> in the <a class="WikiLink" id="p-d40f85cd700086316fb9707a91b51ef2aed2e2f3" href="/SideBar">SideBar</a> to prove to y'all I still live (and care).
<p>• <em>05/03/08</em> - New web comic! Official launch of <a href="http://novilunium.pbwiki.com/Novi-Comic-Ep-1" target="_top">Nymphonomicon</a>.
<p>• <em>02/17/08</em> - In case you didn't catch it: here's the <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Coda-Frame" target="_top">Coda</a>, the "secret" alternate ending to IAT, written back in August. Good news: I've worked out the plot of the sequel.
<p>• <em>02/16/08</em> - Ohida's <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Gallery_Ohida_Unyx" target="_top">U & Nyx portrait</a> and <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Gallery_Adric_SB_Katana" target="_top">Mad Adric's SB</a> (and don't forget <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Gallery_Adric_SB_Scimitar" target="_top">SB's banana</a>) added to the Gallery!
<p>• <em>02/04/08</em> - Ursula's ass makes its graphical debut in a 3 page <a href="http://novilunium.pbwiki.com/IAT-Comic-Guest" target="_top">Novilunium guest comic</a> by Shyft9!
<p>• <em>01/22/08</em> - <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Gallery_Black_Cherry_by_Mad_Adric" target="_top">Black Cherry pin-up</a> and <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Gallery_Embrace_by_Mad_Adric" target="_top">Eurydice and Unyx</a> added to the <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Gallery" target="_top">Gallery</a>!
<p>• <em>01/20/08</em> - New Mad Adric art! Here's a temporary link to <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/f/unyx-gala.swf" target="_top">Eurydice and Unyx</a>, until I can move them into the gallery proper.
<p>• <em>01/15/08</em> - <small>HAPPY NEW YEAR!</small> What the heck have I been up to? Prepping <b>IAT</b> for submission to publishers! Rejection notices, here I come! <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Summary" target="_top">Wanna halp</a>?
<p>• <em>12/08/07</em> - (2) <a href="http://www.literotica.com/stories/showstory.php?id=339851" target="_top">Final IAT chapter posted to Literotica</a>, please vote it up so we can make more innocent freaks into goofiends. Literotica IAT index: <a href="http://www.literotica.com/stories/memberpage.php?uid=697667&page=submissions" target="_top">click here</a>.
<p>• <em>12/08/07</em> - (1) Promoted w/huge raise! Interviewing for a toadies to delegate work to so I can write more porn!
<p>• <em>10/29/31</em> - I haven't gone anywhere! The company I work for is spending <i>four beeellion dollarz</i> buying another company this month, and suddenly my non-porn talents are in demand.
<p>• <em>10/04/07</em> - <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/f/IAT-Act-Six.html" target="_top">Act Six</a> is now available in hmtl format for easy offline viewing. That means editing is done and I can write new stuff again. Woohoo!
<p>• <em>09/27/07</em> - Give the gift of goo by voting for <a href="http://www.literotica.com/stories/showstory.php?id=329783" target="_top">IAT Act 5 on Literotica</a>! (Vote on <a href="http://www.literotica.com/stories/showstory.php?id=329783&page=3" target="_top">page 3</a>.)
<p>• <em>09/23/07</em> - Man, this "editing" stuff <i>sucks</i>. Still at it.
<p>• <em>09/21/07</em> - Anyone recognize the artist's mark on this <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Gallery_Unknown_Strawberry" target="_top">unknown strawberry</a>? If so, please <a href="mailto:oblimo@gmail.com">email me</a>. Thanks!
<p>• <em>09/20/07</em> - I'm editing, slowly but surely. Hope to have a downloadable second draft Act 6 by Sunday.
<p>• <em>09/17/07</em> - New <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Gallery_Apple_Venus_by_Mad_Adric" target="_top">Mad Adric art</a>! This one's going on the book cover, folks.
<p>•  <em>09/16/07</em> - (2) <b>Nymphaeum</b> <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/nymphaeum" target="_top">update</a>! Looks like it's going somewhere now; I think I've established character and backstory. Let me know!
<p>•  <em>09/16/07</em> - (1) Wanna know what Galatea & Dee do when they get home? I bet it looks a <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Gallery_Lovey_Wave_Sketch_by_Mad_Adric" target="_top">little like this</a>. (Also, welcome home, <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Gallery_Grump_Galatea_by_Mad_Adric" target="_top">"Grumpy!"</a>)
<p>• <em>09/13/07</em> - New <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Gallery_Raz_Whut_by_Mad_Adric" target="_top">art of Raz</a> by Mad Adric posted in the <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Gallery" target="_top">Gallery</a>! I'm working on Nymphaeum and editing Act 06. More on Sunday!
<p>• <em>09/11/07</em> - <a href="http://chosis.pbwiki.com/" target="_top">Chosis</a> made some delicious ice cream (gooniverse fiction). <a href="http://chosis.pbwiki.com/Extra+Priveleges" target="_top">You must eat it</a>.
<p>• <em>09/09/07</em> - Those lovable pogs are back! <b>IAT</b> Act 5 is now available in a single file for offline reading: <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/f/IAT-Act-Five.html" target="_top">download the Act 5 pog</a> today!
<p>• <em>09/09/07</em> - Second draft of Act 5 complete and posted. Now to revise the Interlude, and then I'll crank out the Act 5 pog. Oh, and meebo should be working again.
<p>• <em>09/08/07</em> - Looks like meebo's wonking out and repeating messages instead of sending them to me. Sorry!
<p>•  <em>09/06/07</em> - Proposed new schedule! I'll update the story wiki on Sundays, make announcements on Thursdays, and get back to blogging. Please add <a href="javascript:HaloScan('Schedule');" target="_self"><script type="text/javascript">postCount('Schedule');</script></a> or <a href="mailto:oblimo@gmail.com">email me</a> if you'd like something different.
<p>• <em>09/03/2007</em> - Second draft of <b>IAT</b> Act 5, Chapter 1 <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act05-Chapter01-Frame" target="_top">posted</a>. I'm working out a regular schedule of site updates and events. But first: road-trip! (Ug.)
<p>• <em>09/02/2007</em> - Tons o' new fan art in the <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Gallery" target="_top">Gallery</a>! Mad Adric's <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Gallery_Eurydice_by_Mad_Adric" target="_top">Eurydice a-k-a Party</a>; Ohida's <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Gallery_Ohida_SB_and_Tomoe" taget="_top">Tomoe & SB</a>; and Pythian Habenero is so prolific she gets <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Gallery-PH" target="_top">her own gallery</a>. Raz fans will be sure to go ga-ga over her <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Gallery_Raz_Whut_by_PH" target="_top">Raz photo-manip</a>.
<p>• <em>08/30/07</em> - In other news: the tag-world server is still dead; I'm giving them 24 hours before I switch to another shoutboard. This weekend will be spent with family and the editing of Act 5.
<p>• <em>08/27/07</em> - <b>IAT</b> Unyx <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Epilogue-Frame#UpdateAddition8/27/07" target="_top">addition</a>! 1000 words of last licks, Unyx style. She deserves it.
<p>• <em>08/26/07</em> - (3) Hm, I think Unyx deserves an onscreen appearance in the Epilogue, don't you? I'll sleep on it and put together a proper send-off.
<p>• <em>08/26/07</em> - (2) Thanks to everyone who sent me kind (and strange) words this weekend! And thanks to those mentioning <b>IAT's</b> <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Epilogue-Frame" target="_top">completion</a> on <a href="http://www.4chan.org" target="_top">4chan's</a> /d/, but there seems to be a Janitor deleting them. So I'm buying a little ad-space to help the place where this all started. Still, I'm touched and honored <small>(and my inner attention whore is hot and bothered)</small>.
<p>• <em>08/26/07</em> - (1) <b>IAT</b> novel <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Epilogue-Frame" target="_top">epilogue</a>! Love, luck, and lollipops. ~Oblimo
<p>• <em>08/25/07</em> - End of the chapter, end of the story, only the epilogue remains: <b>IAT</b> story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act06-Chapter04-Frame#Update8/25/07" target="_top">update</a>. Thank you, everyone (especially you; you know who you are). It's been one Hell of a ride.
<p>• <em>08/24/07</em> - Three more updates, and it's all over: third-to-last <b>IAT</b> story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act06-Chapter04-Frame#Update8/24/07" target="_top">update</a>!
<p>• <em>08/23/07</em> - We're there: <b>IAT</b> story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act06-Chapter04-Frame#Update8/22/07" target="_top">update</a>.
<p>• <em>08/21/07</em> - Almost…there: <b>IAT</b> story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act06-Chapter04-Frame#Update8/21/07" target="_top"> update</a>!
<p>• <em>08/19/07</em> - We've reached the very heart of <i>It's Always Time</i>: <b>IAT</b> story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act06-Chapter04-Frame#Update8/19/07" target="_top">update</a>.
<p>• <em>08/18/07</em> - On the road (again) <b>IAT</b> story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act06-Chapter04-Frame#Update8/18/07" target="_top">update</a>!
<p>• <em>08/16/17</em> - <b>IAT</b> story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act06-Chapter04-Frame#Update8/16/07" target="_top">update</a>! I'm taking the road trip again tomorrow, so I don't expect to update again til sometime Sunday.
<p>• <em>08/15/07</em> - Dee's confrontation with Black Cherry: <b>IAT</b> story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act06-Chapter04-Frame#Update8/15/07" target="_top">update</a>.
<p>• <em>08/14/07</em> - <b>IAT</b> story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act06-Chapter04-Frame#Update8/14/07" target="_top">update</a>! It's <i>on</i>.
<p>• <em>08/12/07</em> - <b>IAT</b> story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act06-Chapter04-Frame#Update8/12/07" target="_top">update</a>! This is Dee's (and the story's) darkest hour. 
<p>• <em>08/11/07</em> - (2) <b>IAT</b> story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act06-Chapter04-Frame#8/11/072" target="_top">update</a>! Another major story milestone. Nothing but resolution left, now.
<p>• <em>08/11/07</em> - (1) It's been fifteen months since we (or Dee) saw Galatea. The wait's over: <b>IAT</b> story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act06-Chapter04-Frame#Update8/11/07" target="_top">update</a>.
<p>• <em>08/09/07</em> - Today's <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act06-Chapter04-Frame#Update8/09/07" target="_top">update</a> plus yesterday's <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act06-Chapter04-Frame#Update8/08/07" target="_top">sneaky update</a> equals one happy Oblimo.
<p>• <em>08/07/07</em> - Quick <b>IAT</b> story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act06-Chapter04-Frame#Update8/07/07" target="_top">update</a> to maintain momentum and Star Wars references.
<p>• <em>08/04/07</em> - <b>IAT</b> story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act06-Chapter04-Frame" target="_top">update</a>, officially kicking off Act 6, Ch. 4, and the resolution of all things <b>IAT</b>.
<p>• <em>08/02/07</em> - <b>IAT</b> story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act06-Chapter03-Frame#Update8/02/07" target="_top">update</a>!  End of Act 6, Ch. 3! One chapter left! Used up my quota of exclamation marks!
<p>• <em>08/01/07</em> - <b>IAT</b> story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act06-Chapter03-Frame#Update8/01/07" target="_top">update</a>! High melodrama; it's serious business.
<p>• <em>07/30/07</em> - On a business trip until Wednesday; trying to sneak in some porn writing in between meetings.
<p>• <em>07/28/07</em> - <b>IAT</b> story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act06-Chapter03-Frame#Update7/28/07" target="_top">update</a>!
<p>• <em>07/27/07</em> - <b>IAT</b> story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act06-Chapter03-Frame#Update7/26/07" target="_top">updates</a>! Two <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act06-Chapter03-Frame#Update7/27/07" target="_top">updates</a> for the price of one since I forgot to announce yesterday's. XD
<p>• <em>07/24/07</em> - <b>IAT</b> story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act06-Chapter03-Frame#Update7/24/07" target="_top">update</a>! And many thanks to Pythian Hab<big>e</big>nero for typesetting the <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Epilogue-Frame" target="_top">Epilogue Preview</a>.
<p>• <em>07/21/07</em> - <b>IAT</b> story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act06-Chapter03-Frame#Update7/21/07" target="_top">update</a>! Sorry I'm late, but I wanted to post the complete dream sequence. It's still experimental; let me know if it works!
<p>• <em>07/19/07</em> - Lots of wiki maintenance, such as the new banner and new <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Cover-Page" target="_top">cover page</a>. I hope to update tomorrow night.
<p>• <em>07/17/07</em> - Quick (& funny) <b>IAT</b> story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act06-Chapter03-Frame#Update7/17/07" target="_top">update</a>! <small>(Kelvin, your cameo has arrived. Happy belated birthday!)</small>
<p>• <em>07/15/07</em> - <b>IAT</b> story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act06-Chapter03-Frame#Update7/15/07" target="_top">update</a>! I'm changing the <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act06-Chapter03-Frame#top" target="_top">name</a> of this chapter, too. I got my reasons.
<p>• <em>07/14/07</em> - Ladies and gentlemen, at approximately 19:30 GMT, the very first <a href="http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/59794376/" target="_top">Tomoe and SB</a> fan art was posted on the Innernet, by one <a href="http://ohida.deviantart.com/">Ohida.</a> Let's hope SB doesn't favorite his ass off too much for it.
<p>• <em>07/13/07</em> - O_O Check out Mad Adric's latest <a href="http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/59650748/">pin-up of Galatea</a> in his <a href="http://madadric.deviantart.com" target="_top">DeviantArt Gallery</a>. Like, now. Anyone with a DA account, please favorite that man's ass off.
<p>• <em>07/12/07</em>  - (2) <b>IAT</b> story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act06-Chapter03-Frame#Update7/12/07" target="_top">update</a>! It's more of a teaser than a full update, but I want to keep momentum now that we're so close to the end.
<p>• <em>07/12/07</em> - (1) If you love Ursula, let her know! Please <a href="http://www.literotica.com/stories/showstory.php?id=318746" target="_top">vote for her and Nyx's big scene</a>, now posted to Literotica, so we can recruit more goofiends. I hope to update the story tonight.
<p>• <em>07/10/07</em> - (3) Well, that lasted long. I'll use the 3rd-person version for the <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act06-Chapter03-Frame" target="_top">update</a>, and keep the 2nd-person version in the <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/ScrapBook">Scrap Book</a>. So far, no one's noticed that I hid a switch to present tense behind the 2nd-person swap.
<p>• <em>07/10/07</em> - (2) <b>IAT</b> story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act06-Chapter03-Frame" target="_top">update</a>, kicking off Act 06, Ch. 03! I am trying something I swore I'd <i>never</i> do, and I really want to know if you think it works, because if you don't, I want to change it. I give you: the dreaded 2nd person narrative voice!
<p>• <em>07/10/07</em> - (1) We worked our butts off completing <b>IAT</b> comic Episode 3, and it <i>shows</i>. Please click on the cover below or visit Ep. 3's home on <a href="http://novilunium.pbwiki.com/IAT-Comic-Ep-3" target="_top"><b>Novilunium</b></a>. And let us know what you think! <small>(Oh, and a quick <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act06-Chapter03-Frame" target="_top">sneak preview</a> of Act06 Ch. 03 is up. More very soon.)</small>
<p>• <em>07/08/07</em> - No new material yet, but Act 5 got too long, so I split it in half to create the "new" <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act06-Chapter01-Frame" target="_top">Act 6</a>. Good news is, Eddie gets his own <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act05-Interlude-Frame" target="_top">Interlude</a>.
<p>• <em>07/07/07</em> - Announcing <a href="http://novilunium.pbwiki.com/" target="_top"><b>Novilunium</b></a>, the once and future home of the <b>IAT</b> web comic. Go there now and check out the Episode 3 <a href="http://novilunium.pbwiki.com/IAT-Comic-Ep-3" target="_top">preview</a>. Just 3 panels in, and damn, it's <i>hot</i>.
<p>• <em>07/05/07</em> - Back without any popular demand: <b>IAT</b> pogs! <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/f/IAT-Act-Four.html" target="_top">Act Four</a> is now available in one big, happy html file for offline viewing.
<p>• <em>07/04/07</em> - (2) <b>IAT</b> story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act05-Chapter06-Frame#Update07/04/07" target="_top">update</a>! End of Chapter 6! Two more chapters, two more sex scenes, and the story is <i>done</i>. Thank you <i>Gawd</i>!
<p>• <em>07/04/07</em> - (1) I futz with Photoshop fonts and make a widescreen <b>IAT</b> <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/f/IAT-WIDE-WALLPAPER-GALATEA.jpg" target="_top">desktop wallpaper</a>. Now back to writing.
<p>• <em>07/03/07</em> - <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/ScrapBook#Jambalaya" target="_top">Preview</a> of the next <b>IAT</b> update posted to the <!--raw1Tag-->Scrap Book<!--/raw1Tag-->. I expect a full update tomorrow night, finishing off the chapter if I'm lucky.
<p>• <em>07/01/07</em> - (2) Two new, sweet <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Gallery#PythianHabenero" target="_top">megascribbles of Unyx</a> by Pythian Habenero posted to the Gallery!
<p>• <em>07/01/07</em> - (1) <b>IAT</b> story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act05-Chapter06-Frame#Update07/01/07" target="_top">update</a>! (Second half of yesterday's update.)
<p>• <em>06/30/07</em> - (2) To prove I'm back to writing, here's a quicky <b>IAT</b> <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act05-Chapter06-Frame#Update06/30/07" target="_top">update</a>! More soon.
<p>• <em>06/30/07</em> - (1) Holy crap, that took a <i>lot</i> longer than I thought; I'm back to writing now, though. But I has a <a href="javascript:comicPreview = window.open('/f/IAT-Comic-003-Preview-Medium.htm','comicPreview','status=0,menubar=0,resizable=1,width=804,height=354'); comicPreview.focus();">nekkid preview panel</a> of the next comic (<a href="javascript:comicPreview = window.open('/f/IAT-Comic-003-Preview.htm','comicPreview','status=0,menubar=0,resizable=1,width=1670,height=733'); comicPreview.focus();">HUEG preview</a>).
<p>• <em>06/26/07</em> - Need to reimage and rebuild my hard drive. No data lost, and I hope to update the site tomorrow. Please enjoy Adric's rendition of <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Fee-by-Mad-Adric" target="_top">Feé's boobs</a> in the interim.
<p>• <em>06/23/07</em> - <b>IAT</b> story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act05-Chapter06-Frame#Update06/23/07" target="_top">update</a>!
<p>• <em>06/21/07</em> - The good news is, I got a nice raise for working my butt off. The bad news is, I was too busy working my butt off to write porn for today. I hope to update tomorrow.
<p>• <em>06/18/07</em> - ZOMG web comic! Adric and I are really proud of it, typos and all. Please check it out and comment above! (For "HUEG" in Internet Explorer, click <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Comic-Ep-2-Preview" target="_top">here</a>.) And there's an <b>IAT</b> <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/ScrapBook#WhileDeeIsSleeping" target="_top">preview</a> of what's coming up next in the Scrap Book.
<p>• <em>06/17/07</em> - New <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Gallery#PythianHabenero" target="_top">megascribbles</a> from Pythian Habenero. I dunno if Mrs. Oblimo will let me write porn on Father's Day, though.
<p>• <em>06/16/07</em> - Road trip day! Meanwhile, check out a <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Comic-Ep-2-Preview" target="_top">web comic preview</a> of Episode 2. I bet the full strip is gunna <i>blow you away</i>.
<p>• <em>06/14/07</em> - <b>IAT</b> story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act05-Chapter06-Frame#Update6/14/07" target="_top">update</a>! (This is Dee's second-to-last orgasm in the novel, folks. Here's hoping it's a doozy.) 
<p>• <em>06/11/07</em> - Sorry for the wait: <b>IAT</b> story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act05-Chapter06-Frame#Update06/11/07" target="_top">update</a>! <small>(When you read it, I think you'll see why it took a while.)</small>
<p>• <em>06/10/07</em> - Please forgive the self-indulgence of the <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Mrs-Oblimo-Interviews" target="_top">Interview with Mrs. Oblimo</a>. The next update is taking me a while, so I'm brainstorming to keep my mind in gear.
<p>• <em>06/08/07</em> - <b>IAT web comic</b> episode <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Comic-Workshop#PublishFirstEpisode" target="_top"> premier</a>! Please check it out and tell us what you think! <small>(Mad Adric added an easter egg to the last panel - the kind that comes in pairs.)</small>
<p>• <em>06/05/07</em> - Quicky-kinky <b>IAT</b> <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act05-Chapter06-Frame#Update06/05/07" target="_top">update</a>!
<p>• <em>06/03/07</em> - (2) Quick <b>IAT</b> <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act05-Chapter06-Frame#06/03/072" target="_top">update</a> to round out the day and get the party started.
<p>• <em>06/03/07</em> - (1) <b>IAT</b> <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act05-Chapter06-Frame#Update06/03/07" target="_top">update</a>! (Will work through more roughs this afternoon.) Also, added a <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Comic-Workshop#FindanArtist" target="_top">critical step</a> to the web comic development process.
<p>• <em>06/01/07</em> - Still working on the next update. Meanwhile, <i>the web comic project has begun</i>. Please <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Comic-Workshop" target="_top">check out the workshop</a> at let us know what you think!
<p>• <em>05/30/07</em> - I've got critical work deadlines this week, but I hope to update by Friday night (06/01). Meanwhile, to prove the concept, I've added three more episodes to the <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/f/IAT-One-Page-Scripts.rtf" target="_top">script file</a>. What would you guys think of a "PG-13" <b>IAT</b> web comic?
<p>• <em>05/28/07</em> - (2) <b>IAT</b> story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act05-Chapter06-Frame#Update05/28/07" target="_top">update</a>! <small>(For those wondering: Tomoe's a major fangirl of <a href="http://www.blakearchive.org/blake/main.html" target="_top">William Blake</a> and <a href="http://www.boschuniverse.org/" target="_top">Hieronymus Bosch</a>. "Oh, hey! Don't forget <a href="http://www.geocities.com/uttamkumar44/hokusai1.html" target="_top">Katsushika Hokusai</a>. Five yen got you a lot of tentacle porn two hundred years ago.")</small>
<p>• <em>05/28/07</em> - (1) I am looking for a comic collaborator! <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/f/IAT-One-Page-Scripts.rtf" target="_top">Click here to download a script</a> of an <b>IAT</b> one page comic strip (rtf format file). Interested in penciling, inking, or anything? Want to get paid for it? <a href="mailto:oblimo@gmail.com" target="_top">Email me</a> and let me know!
<p>• <em>05/26/07</em> - <b>IAT</b> story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act05-Chapter06-Frame#Update05/26/07" target="_top">update</a>! ("<font color=purple>Tag</font> <font color=green>team</font>!")
<p>• <em>05/23/07</em> - <b>IAT</b> story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act05-Chapter06-Frame#Update05/23/07" target="_top">update</a>!
<p>• <em>05/22/07</em> - <b>IAT</b> story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act05-Chapter06-Frame#Update05/22/07" target="_top">update</a>! (We're in Raz country now, folks.)
<p>• <em>05/19/07</em> - <b>IAT</b> story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act05-Chapter06-Frame#Update05/19/07" target="_top">update</a>!
<p>• <em>05/17/07</em> - <b>IAT</b> story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act05-Chapter06-Frame" target="_top">update</a>, kicking off Act 5, Ch. 6! (Raspberry heaven, I'm coming back to you…)
<p>• <em>05/16/07</em> - (2) <s>Added a chat room to the <!--raw1Tag-->SideBar<!--/raw1Tag--> as an experiment.</s> Note to self: <b>never do that again.</b>
<p>• <em>05/16/07</em> - (1) For the curious and/or obsessed, I've posted a short <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/ScrapBook#ChapterSixPreview" target="_top">preview of Chapter Six</a> to the <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/ScrapBook" target="_top">Scrap Book</a>. Plus, I'm working on setting up a new chat room, just for us. <a href="http://www.meebo.com/room/oblimeebo/" target="_new">Check it out</a>!
<p>• <em>05/14/07</em> - I think I finally got the <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act04-Chapter02-Frame#NixFix" target="_top">astral message</a> scene of Act 4 Ch. 2, to work. Let me know if it makes more sense now! I'll be working on the start of <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act05-Chapter06-Frame" target="_top">Act 5 Ch. 6</a> over the next couple of days, too.
<p>• <em>05/12/07</em> - <b>IAT</b> story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act05-Chapter05-Frame#Update05/12/07" target="_top">mega-update</a>! 2,700 words! End of chapter 5! Authorial histrionics!
<p>• <em>05/10/07</em> - <b>IAT</b> story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act05-Chapter05-Frame#Update05/10/07" target="_top">update</a>! <small>("Oh, hey! Really? Lemme see…Oh. That's, um…Yeah. You won't get the dreams anymore. I'll…I'll just go sit in the recliner for awhile, okay?")</small>
<p>• <em>05/08/07</em> - <b>IAT</b> <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act05-Chapter05-Frame#Update05/08/07" target="_top">update</a>! (Warning: Serious teasage.)
<p>• <em>05/07/07</em> - <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/f/IAT-Act-Three.html" target="_top">Act Three pog form go</a>! (Act Three now available in html format for easy offline reading, or whatever-it-is you guys do with this stuff.)
<p>• <em>05/05/07</em> - <b>IAT</b> story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act05-Chapter05-Frame#Update05/05/07" target="_top">update</a>!
<p>• <em>05/03/07</em> - There can be only one <b>IAT</b> story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act05-Chapter05-Frame#Update05/03/07" target="_top">update</a>!
<p>• <em>05/02/07</em> - <b>IAT</b> story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act05-Chapter05-Frame#Update05/02/07" target="_top">update</a>! (Short but dramatic; a critical, climactic plot point I first thought of <i>ten months ago</i>.)
<p>• <em>05/01/07</em> - New Galatea <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Gallery#MadAdric" target="_top">fan art by Mad Adric</a> in the Gallery! (Working on update now!)
<p>• <em>04/29/07</em> - Added a <a href="javascript:meeboChat = window.open('/f/meebopop.htm','meeboChat','status=0,menubar=0,resizable=1,width=450,height=300'); meeboChat.focus();" target="_top">Oblimeebo Pop-Up</a> for the <a href="http://www.meebo.com" target="_top">meebo</a> chat widget in the <!--raw1Tag-->SideBar<!--/raw1Tag-->. Now it's easier than ever to not talk to me!
<p>• <em>04/28/07</em> - (2) Moar <b>IAT</b> story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act05-Chapter05-Frame#Update04/28/072" target="_top">update</a>!
<p>• <em>04/28/07</em> - (1) <b>IAT</b> story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act05-Chapter05-Frame#Update04/28/07" target="_top">update</a>!
<p>• <em>04/27/07</em> - Once again, real life conspires against porn. I plan to post an update tomorrow (Saturday) night!
<p>• <em>04/26/07</em> - Still working on the next update, but Mrs. Oblimo suggested I post a <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/ScrapBook#TheBigReveal" target="_top">preview of the big reveal</a> to the <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/ScrapBook" target="_top">Scrap Book</a>, because she thinks it's very cute.
<p>• <em>04/25/07</em> - The power of pogs strikes again! <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/f/IAT-Act-Two.html" target="_top">Act Two</a> is now available in a single html file for your offline viewing pleasure.
<p>• <em>04/24/07</em> - Ladies and gentlemen, we've arrived: <b>IAT</b> story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act05-Chapter05-Frame#Update04/24/07" target="_top">update</a>. If you aren't gay for SB or Yves yet, I can't help you any more than this. <small>(And, no, it ain't over yet.)</small>
<p>• <em>04/23/07</em> - Shameless self-promotion: While I work on the next update, please visit <a href="http://www.literotica.com/stories/showstory.php?id=307065" target="_top">Act 03 Ch. 04</a> on <a href="http://www.literotica.com/" target="_top">Literotica.com</a> and <a href="http://www.literotica.com/stories/showstory.php?id=307065&page=4" target="_top">vote for goo</a>!
<p>• <em>04/22/07</em> - Since Chosis is calling me out, I thought I'd start an <b>IAT</b> <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Bibliography" target="_top">bibliography</a>. <small>(And I snuck in a story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act05-Chapter05-Frame#Update04/22/07" target="_top">update</a>, but it's not long enough (yet) to mention in the updates section…Oops.)</small>
<p>• <em>04/21/07</em> - <b>IAT</b> story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act05-Chapter05-Frame#Update04/21/07" target="_top">update</a>! The updates get longer, SB gets closer. More tomorrow.
<p>• <em>04/20/07</em> - (2) I'm reworking most of the next update (too talky), but I've posted what I'm keeping in the <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/ScrapBook#TheSeductionofYvesIII" target="_top">Scrap Book</a> if you're curious.
<p>• <em>04/20/07</em> - (1) The wiki blew up last night. I'm still working on today's update and there isn't much of today left. On the plus side, I am now Lean Sigma certified.
<p>• <em>04/19/07</em> - Real life delays pr0n yet again. I expect to update the story tomorrow night (Fri. 20th)!
<p>• <em>04/17/07</em> - <b>IAT</b> Act One is back…in pog form! I've uploaded the 2nd draft of <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/f/IAT-Act-One.html" target="_top">Act One</a>, in its entirety, in a single, html file for easy offline reading.
<p>• <em>04/16/07</em> - Very quick (but dirty & funny) <b>IAT</b> story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act05-Chapter05-Frame#Update04/16/07" target="_top">update</a>!
<p>• <em>04/15/07</em> - <b>IAT</b> story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act05-Chapter05-Frame#retcon1" target="_top">revision</a>! <small>(Link fixed.)</small> Added an important plot point to yesterday's <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act05-Chapter05-Frame#Update04/14/07" target="_top">update</a>. I recommend a reread for those following the plot as well as the sex (all 3 of you).
<p>• <em>04/14/07</em> - (2) Aw, man. Forgot the important plot detail about Yves' wound in today's update. Will retcon it in tomorrow.
<p>• <em>04/14/07</em> - (1) <b>IAT</b> story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act05-Chapter05-Frame#Update04/14/07" target="_top">update</a>!
<p>• <em>04/12/07</em> - <b>IAT</b> story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act05-Chapter05-Frame#Update04/12/07" target="_top">update</a>! It's time for some slash. "Oh, hey! <i>Finally</i>."
<p>• <em>04/10/07</em> - Illness slows down writing porn like you wouldn't believe. I plan to update Thursday, 04/12!
<p>• <em>04/08/07</em> - <b>IAT</b> chapter <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act03-Chapter04-Frame" target="_top">revision</a>. Edited and reorganized the troublesome <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act03-Chapter04-Frame" target="_top">Act03-Ch04</a>. If you haven't read it in a while, please check it out and tell me what you think!
<p>• <em>04/06/07</em> - <b>IAT</b> story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act05-Chapter05-Frame#Update04/06/07" target="_top">update</a>! I give you Lesson Six.
<p>• <em>04/04/07</em> - <b>IAT</b> story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act05-Chapter05-Frame#Update04/04/07" target="_top">update</a>! <small>(Everyone who remembers "lesson five" go, "Ooh! And all this time I thought Oblimo had forgotten it," if you please.)</small>
<p>• <em>04/03/07</em> - Very brief <b>IAT</b> story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act05-Chapter05-Frame#Update04/03/07" target="_top">update</a>. Too short to normally post, but I'd love someone to check my automotive terms and tell me what I messed up.
<p>• <em>04/02/07</em> - 400 mile road trip today! This time, with a mini daschund puppy in the back seat. I hope to update tomorrow if all goes well.
<p>• <em>03/30/07</em> - As promised: <b>IAT</b> story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act05-Chapter05-Frame#Update03/30/07" target="_top">update</a>! Launch of <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act05-Chapter05-Frame" target="_top">Chapter Five</a>!
<p>• <em>03/26/07</em> - Work-related deadlines and travel will prevent me from updating until March 30th, unless I am lucky. Wish me luck!
<p>• <em>03/25/07</em> - <b>IAT</b> story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act05-Chapter04-Frame#Update03/25/07" target="_top">update</a>!
<p>• <em>03/23/07</em> - <b>IAT</b> story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act05-Chapter04-Frame#Update03/23/07" target="_top">update</a>! ("I don't know…Third base!")
<p>• <em>03/22/07</em> - Bah, who needs real life; this was too fun not to share. <b>IAT</b> story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act05-Chapter04-Frame#Update03/22/07" target="_top">update</a>! More on Friday.
<p>• <em>03/21/07</em> - Real life strikes again; expect a long update by Friday night (03/23)! In the meantime, <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Gallery#PythianHabenero" target="_top">MegaScribble Nyx Go</a>!
<p>• <em>03/19/07</em> - Almost...there. No, I lied. We're there: <b>IAT</b> story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act05-Chapter04-Frame#Update03/19/07" target="_top">update</a>!
<p>• <em>03/18/07</em> - IAT story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act05-Chapter04-Frame#Update03/18/07" target="_top">update</a>! 2/3rds to where I wanted be, but it's a good ride. Unyx fans should check out the <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act05-Chapter04-Frame#revision" target="_top">revision</a> for new naughty Unyxie bits.
<p>• <em>03/17/07</em> - <b>IAT</b> story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act05-Chapter04-Frame#Update03/17/06" target="_top">update</a>! Clocking in at 1,000 words, it's only half the update I hope post this weekend.
<p>• <em>03/16/07</em> - "Real" life, and Tomoe, kept me busy. I expect to update tomorrow (Saturday) afternoon (US CST)!
<p>• <em>03/14/07</em> - <b>IAT</b> story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act05-Chapter04-Frame#Update03/14/07" target="_top"> update</a>! (Tomoe, quit stealing the show. Jeez.)
<p>• <em>03/12/07</em> - <b>IAT</b> story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act05-Chapter04-Frame#Update03/12/07" target="_top">update</a>!
<p>• <em>03/10/07</em> - Full <b>IAT</b> story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act05-Chapter04-Frame#Update03/10/07" target="_top">update</a>! (Now please excuse me. Mrs. Oblimo is standing in the front door with car keys in hand, shouting "Spartaaaa!" I think I gotta go.)
<p>• <em>03/09/07</em> - I plan a full update tomorrow night, but I've added a <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/ScrapBook#UnyxExposition" target="_top">preview</a> in the <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/ScrapBook" target="_top">Scrap Book</a>. Warning for new readers: Scrap Book previews are pretty rough and subject to change.
<p>• <em>03/07/07</em> - <b>IAT</b> story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act05-Chapter04-Frame#Update03/07/07" target="_top">update</a>!
<p>• <em>03/05/07</em> - Let's get this party started: <b>IAT</b> story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act05-Chapter04-Frame#Update03/05/07" target="_top">update</a>!
<p>• <em>03/04/07</em> - <b>IAT</b> story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act05-Chapter04-Frame#Update03/04/07" target="_top">update</a>! Start of <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act05-Chapter04-Frame" target="_top">Act05 Chapter 4</a>! <small>(Yes, even more build up. No, I will not be cutting to Yves in the next update. Yes, the goorgy has finally begun and there's nothing I can do to stop it.)</small>
<p>• <em>03/02/07</em> - (2) <b>IAT</b> story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act05-Chapter03-Frame#Update03/02/07" target="_top">update</a>! <small>(I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry. No, not the dreams again! I'll make it up to you, I <i>swear</i>.)</small>
<p>• <em>03/02/07</em> - (1) New <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Gallery#PythianHabenero" target="_top">artwork</a> by Pythian Habenero added to the <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Gallery" target="_top">Gallery</a>! I plan a story update by tomorrow (Saturday) night at the latest.
<p>• <em>02/28/07</em> - <b>IAT</b> story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act05-Chapter03-Frame#Update02/28/07" target="_top">update</a>! Talk about pouring it on thick. <i>Homework!</i> Pour yourself a <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Raz_Lime_Rickey" target="_top">raspberry lime rickey</a>.
<p>• <em>02/26/07</em> - <b>IAT</b> story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act05-Chapter03-Frame#Update02/26/07" target="_top">update</a>. This one's a tad intense: can you count the fetishes?
<p>• <em>02/25/07</em> - (2) <b>IAT</b> story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act05-Chapter03-Frame#Update02/25/07" target="_top">update</a>! Many thanks to Mrs. Oblimo for helping me work the material from the workshop into the story.
<p>• <em>02/25/07</em> - (1) Added two more scenes to the <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Finale-Workshop" target="_top">Finale Workshop</a>. <strike>Also included the <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act05-Chapter03-Frame#SceneWorkshop" target="_top">workshop</a> at the end of Act05 Ch03. Both locations load from the same source, so both are current.</strike>
<p>• <em>02/24/07</em>  - (2) The next two scenes are going to take a while, so I opened up a <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Finale-Workshop" target="_top">Finale Workshop</a>, including the bit that kicks off the <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Finale-Workshop#DeesStripTease" target="_top">orgy</a>. Next will be the start of SB's seduction of Yves. Need input!
<p>• <em>02/24/07</em> - (1) "Oh, hey! Tomoe here. Oblimo forgot to mention my purse, and I'll need it soon, so he <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act05-Chapter02-Frame#PurseCheat" target="_top">retconned</a> it into Act 5. Let's pretend we don't notice or care. It'll really screw with his head."
<p>• <em>02/22/07</em> - (3) Okay, a lot of people are laughing at the idea of Ben Franklin having a wild sex life: Dudes, <a href="http://www.time.com/time/2003/franklin/bfwomen.html" target="_top">the man got more tail than Casanova</a>.
<p>• <em>02/22/07</em> - (2) Ginormous <b>IAT</b> story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act05-Chapter03-Frame#Update02/22/07" target="top">update</a>! Plus, the old Act05 Ch02 is the new <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act05-Chapter03-Frame" target="_top">Chapter 3</a>. That's where all new updates will go. Bookmark accordingly!
<p>• <em>02/22/07</em> - (1) FYI: Later today, I will be taking more of AdamZ's advice, splitting up Act05 Ch01 into two chapters and moving the current updating chapter to Ch03. Fair warning!
<p>• <em>02/21/07</em> - AdamZ says he's getting anxious, so let's declare <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act05-Chapter02-Frame" target="_top">Act05 Chapter02</a> open for business! To kick it off, here's an <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act05-Chapter02-Frame#Update02/20/07" target="_top"><b>IAT</b> story update</a> dedicated to AdamZ. 
<p>• <em>02/20/07</em> -  <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/SurveyResults" target="_top">Survey results</a> with 99 respondents! The survey is now closed. Thank you for participating!
<p>• <em>02/18/07</em> - (2) Pythian Habenero's <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Gallery#PythianHabenero" target="_top">megascribble art</a> added to the gallery! That makes <em>two</em> girls on the Innernet!
<p>• <em>02/18/07</em> - (1) <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/SurveyResults" target="_top">Survey results</a> with 55 respondents! The survey closes after 100 responses, so hurry and <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Survey" target="_top">help shape the <b>IAT</b> sequel</a>!
<p>• <em>02/17/07</em> - (2) <b>IAT</b> story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act05-Chapter01-Frame#Update02/17/07" target="_top">update</a>! End of Act 5, Chapter 1! And don't forget the <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Survey" target="_top">survey</a>!
<p>• <em>02/17/07</em> - (1) Please take the <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Survey" target="top"><b>IAT</b> character survey</a>! Vote for your favorite meliae! <small>(No info other than your answers is stored!)</small>
<p>• <em>02/15/07</em> - Happy 50% Off Chocolate Assortment Day! Oh, and how about an <b>IAT</b> story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act05-Chapter01-Frame#Update02/15/07" target="_top">update</a>.
<p>• <em>02/14/07</em> - Presenting a very special <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act05-Chapter01-Frame#Update02/14/07" target="_top">Valentine's Day <b>IAT</b> update</a>! Back story! Love triangles! Family drama! Ends in tears! Yep, sounds like Valentine's Day to me.
<p>• <em>02/13/07</em> - (2) <b>lfBEM</b> story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/le-femme-BEM#Epilogue" target="_top">completion</a>! I had to prove to myself that I could actually <em>finish</em> a story, even if 5,000 words over budget.
<p>• <em>02/13/07</em> - (1) <b>lfBEM</b> story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/le-femme-BEM#Update02/13/07Draft" target="_top">update</a>! <strike>It's a rough draft of the story's big punchline, and I couldn't resist posting it to see if it floats or sinks.</strike>
<p>• <em>02/12/07</em> - <b>IAT</b> story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act05-Chapter01-Frame#Update02/12/07" target="_top">update</a>! Short but suspenseful. Plus a <b>lfBEM</b> story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/le-femme-BEM#Update2/12/07" target="_top"> update</a>! Xixa gets system <a href="http://tools.wikimedia.de/~gmaxwell/jorbis/JOrbisPlayer.php?path=SHODAN.ogg&wiki=en" target="_top">shock</a>.
<p>• <em>02/11/07</em> - (2) Got a 400 mile road trip today, so here's another <b>lfBEM</b> <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/le-femme-BEM#Update02/11/072" target="_top">update</a> to prove I still care.
<p>• <em>02/11/07</em> - (1) <b>le femme BEM</b> story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/le-femme-BEM#Update02/11/07" target="_top">update</a>! <small>(The last section has three parts, and I didn't want to leave the story dangling so I posted the first part by itself.)</small>
<p>• <em>02/10/07</em> - <b>le femme BEM</b> story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/le-femme-BEM#Update02/10/07" target="_top">update</a>! No, of <em>course</em> that's not the end. What kind of fanfic would that be? There's <strike>one</strike> two more updates to go.
<p>• <em>02/09/07</em> - (2) <b>le femme BEM</b> story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/le-femme-BEM#Update02/09/07" target="_top">update</a>! In celebration of Dadward's implied A-OK by his plugging of the story on the <a href="http://zerog-girl.deviantart.com/" target="_top">Xixa DA Site</a>, I'm going to finally  finish the darn thing. 
<p>• <em>02/09/07</em> - (1) <font color="red"><b>TEMPORARY TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES</b></font>. Pr0n is safe. Putting in quick fix now (11:30 PM EST). <small>Quick fix in place (12:00 AM EST).</small>
<p>• <em>02/08/07</em> - New <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Gallery#ShyftArt" target="_top">center spread of Unyx</a> by Shyft added to the Gallery!
<p>• <em>02/07/07</em> - New <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Gallery#JChico" target="_top">Pin-up of Galatea</a> by JChico added to the <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Gallery" target="_top">Gallery</a>! <small>(He says he's only read the first two chapters of Act One so far. Heh.)</small>
<p>• <em>02/05/07</em> - <b>IAT</b> story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act05-Chapter01-Frame#Update02/05/07" target="_top">update</a>! <small>(Who is more goth than thou, O Ursula?)</small>
<p>• <em>02/04/07</em> - (2) <b>IAT</b> story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act05-Chapter01-Frame#02/04/072" target="_top">update</a>! (Introducing...)
<p>• <em>02/04/07</em> - (1) <b>IAT</b> story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act05-Chapter01-Frame#Update02/04/07" target="_top">update</a>!
<p>• <em>02/03/07</em> - (3) Luminary Xion provides some amazing CoV modeling of <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Black_Cherry_Model_by_LX" target="_top">Black Cherry</a> and proves once and for all that there <i>are</i> girls on the Innernet.
<p>• <em>02/03/07</em> - (2) Split up Act Two from two chapters into <i>five</i>: <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act02-Chapter01-Frame" target="_top">Ch. 01: Milk to Cream</a>, <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act02-Chapter02-Frame" target="_top">Ch. 02: Weird Science</a>, <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act02-Chapter03-Frame" target="_top">Ch. 03: It's All Within</a>, <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act02-Chapter04-Frame" target="_top">Ch. 04: You Can't Break</a>, <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act02-Chapter05-Frame" target="_top">Ch. 05: Both to Blame</a>. Why? Dunno. Innernet?
<p>• <em>02/03/07</em> - (1) Split Act One Chapter Three into <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act01-Chapter03-Frame" target="_top">Ch. 03: That Wave</a> and <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act01-Chapter04-Frame" target="_top">Ch. 04: Your Ocean</a>. Same content, new song lyric from Galatea's play-list! 
<p>• <em>02/02/07</em> - (2) To read Act 5 Chapter 1 with minimal formating, click and bookmark the <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act05-Chapter01-Body" target="_top">body page</a>. All body page urls use "IAT-Act0x-Chapter0x-Body".
<p>• <em>02/02/07</em> - (1) Completed one-chapter-per-page conversion. If you liked it the old way, use one of the <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Its-Always-Time-Book-One" target="_top">"(All)"</a> links in the <!--raw1Tag-->SideBar<!--/raw1Tag-->.
<p>• <em>01/31/07</em> - <b>IAT</b> story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act05-Chapter01-Frame#Update01/31/07" target="_top">update</a>!
<p>• <em>01/29/07</em> - I've kicked off the one-chapter-per-page conversion with a fun new <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Cover-Page" target="_top">cover page</a>, and converted <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act01-Chapter01-Frame" target="_top">Book One</a>.
<p>• <em>01/28/07</em> - <b>IAT</b> story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Act05-Chapter01-Frame#Update01/28/07" target="_top">update</a>! 50,000 unique visitor, 460,000 page hit get! New one chapter per page format! Evil cliffhanger! Etc.
<p>• <em>01/25/07</em> - <b>IAT</b> story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/BookFive#Update01/25/07" target="_top">update</a>!
<p>• <em>01/24/07</em> - New full color art by <!--raw1Tag-->LiquidMark<!--/raw1Tag--> in the <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Gallery#LiquidMarkArt" target="_top">Gallery</a>! <span style="color:purple">Look-it. Look-it! Would ya look-it?</span>
<p>• <em>01/22/07</em> - <b>IAT</b> story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/BookFive#Update01/22/07" target="_top">update</a>!
<p>• <em>01/21/07</em> - (2) <b>IAT</b> story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/BookFive#Update01/21/07" target="_top">update</a>! <small>(BC v. CC: round one.)</small>
<p>• <em>01/21/07</em> - (1) The inks of <!--raw1Tag-->LiquidMark<!--/raw1Tag-->'s <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Gallery#LiquidMarkArt" target="_top">Fee Galatea</a> commission are up in the <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Gallery" target="_top">Gallery</a>! Take a look at tell me what you think!
<p>• <em>01/19/07</em> - Shortest <b>IAT</b> story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/BookFive#Update01/19/07" target="_top">update</a> evar!
<p>• <em>01/18/07</em> - <b>IAT</b> story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/BookFive#Update01/18/07" target="_top">update</a> (with minor edits to the <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/BookFive#Update01/16/07" target="_top">prior update</a>)! Will she or won't she? Stay tuned.
<p>• <em>01/16/07</em> - <b>IAT</b> story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/BookFive#Update01/16/07" target="_top">update</a> (link fixed)!
<p>• <em>01/15/07</em> - <b>IAT</b> story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/BookFive#Update01/15/07" target="_top">update</a>! (Does he or doesn't he?)
<p>• <em>01/13/07</em> - (2) <b>IAT</b> story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/BookFive#ChapterThirteen" target="_top">update</a>! <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/BookFive" target="_top">Book Five</a> is officially up and running.
<p>• <em>01/13/07</em> - (1) <b>IAT</b> story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Its-Always-Time-Book-Four#InterludeIToldYouFromtheStart" target="_top">update</a>! Interlude and finale of Book Four. This one may prove controversial.
<p>• <em>01/12/07</em> - My shout box service has gone on the blink, <em>again.</em> It's free so I shouldn't complain but I do anyway.
<p>• <em>01/11/07</em> - Added a <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/ThoughtBubbleTest" target="_top">Thought Bubble Workshop</a> to fish for advice. (<small>How do I thought bubble?</small>)
<p>• <em>01/10/07</em> - <b>IAT</b> story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Its-Always-Time-Book-Four#Update01/10/07" target="_top">update!</a> End of <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Its%20Always%20Time%20Book%20Four#ChapterTwelveThatFineLine" target="_top">Chapter Twelve</a>! Introducing new <span style="font-family:Comic Sans MS, sans serif;background-color:Bisque;border:1px solid;padding:2px">flashback thought bubbles</span>! Let me know if you like 'em, so I can use them throughout or chuck 'em.
<p>• <em>01/09/07</em> - For those in need of some new <b>IAT</b> I posted a <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/ScrapBook#DeesDorkyMonologue" target="_top">rough draft section of the next update</a> to the <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/ScrapBook" target="_top">Scrap Book</a>. I hope to finish chapter 12 in the next update, probably Friday, and polish off Book 4 this weekend.
<p>• <em>01/08/07</em> - Cleaned up the crowded <!--raw1Tag-->SideBar<!--/raw1Tag--> but sullied the wiki with <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Alexander%20Angel" target="_top">Alexander Angel</a>, one of my first (and very worst) pr0n stories.
<p>• <em>01/07/07</em> - Officially kicked off <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/nymphaeum" target="_top">Nymphaeum</a>, my fic-for-pic art trade with <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Gallery#ShyftArt" target="_top">Shyft</a>. <small>¡Ay mama!</small>
<p>• <em>01/05/07</em> - <b>IAT</b> story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Its-Always-Time-Book-Four#Update01/05/07" target="_top">update</a>! (Yar Har Fiddle Dee Dee.)
<p>• <em>01/04/07</em> - First <b>IAT</b> <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Its%20Always%20Time%20Book%20Four#Update01/04/07" target="_top">story update</a> of the year! And to celebrate: paragraph indents!
<p>• <em>01/02/07</em> - Kick off 2007 right with a <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/le-femme-BEM#Update01/02/07" target="_top">le femme BEM update</a> <small>(link fixed for real this time)</small>! Score is now Xixa: 2, Space Marines: Zilch.
<p>• <em>12/31/06</em> - (2) Ring in the New Year with a surprise sex scene in the latest <b>IAT</b> <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Its-Always-Time-Book-Four#Update12/31/06" target="_top">update</a>!
<p>• <em>12/31/06</em> - (1) Posted 750 word <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/le-femme-BEM#Update12/30/06" target="_top">le femme BEM update</a> while I work out the rest of the <b>IAT</b> SRU scene. le femme BEM is more than halfway finished now.
<p>• <em>12/29/06</em> - (2) Another <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Its-Always-Time-Book-Four#Update12/29/062" target="_top">story update</a> gets me to today's quota of 1000 words.
<p>• <em>12/29/06</em> - (1) A quick <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Its-Always-Time-Book-Four#Update12/29/06" target="_top">story update</a> to keep things rolling. More to follow later today. (And check out the <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Gallery" target="_top">art gallery</a>!)
<p>• <em>12/28/06</em> - New <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Gallery#ShyftArt" target="_top">fan art of Nyxified Ursula</a> added to the gallery, thanks to <a href="http://shyft9.deviantart.com/" target="_top">Shyft</a>! Minor spoiler and major hawtness alert. <small>Also, please give feedback on the <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Gallery" target="_top">gallery</a>! Especially if you want moar, like I do.</small>
<p>• <em>12/27/06</em> - The next <b>IAT</b> update isn't quite ready yet. I'm shooting for Friday afternoon. Meanwhile, the plot finally shows up in <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/le-femme-BEM#Update12/27/06" target="_top">le femme BEM</a>. 
<p>• <em>12/26/06</em> - Wrote <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/le-femme-BEM#Update12/26/06" target="_top">more Xixa weirdness</a> while trying to figure out how to get the clapper out of Raspberry's head. <font color="purple">"Ha! I've got the clap!"</font> Shut <em>up</em>, Raz, Jeez.
<p>• <em>12/25/06</em> - Happy everything, everybody! I <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Its-Always-Time-Book-Four#Update12/24/06minorrevision" target="_top">revised yesterday's update</a>, based on reader requests to 1) unscramble dialog and 2) "mention Nyx summore." <small>(Give you one guess who asked for #2.)</small>
<p>• <em>12/24/06</em> - Merry <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Its-Always-Time-Book-Four#Update12/24/06minorrevision" target="_top"><b>IAT</b> story update</a>!
<p>• <em>12/23/06</em> - (2) See how it all started! Check out a chunk of the <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/IAT-Archeological-Dig" target="_top">original <b>IAT</b> posts and comments</a> from 4chan's old BBS.
<p>• <em>12/23/06</em> - (1) Road trip inspiration lead to the start of my first <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/le%20femme%20BEM" target="_top">"fic for pic" art trade</a>. Let me know if I'm doing it right!
<p>• <em>12/20/06</em> - Story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Its-Always-Time-Book-Four#Update12/20/06" target="_top">update</a>! (Sphygmomanometer?)
<p>• <em>12/19/06</em> - Short story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Its-Always-Time-Book-Four#RetCon2" target="_top">retcon</a> and added dialogue. Forgot to mention a minor plot point.
<p>• <em>12/17/06</em> - (3) <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Gallery#MrMonday" target="_top">New fan art</a> added to the Gallery, thanks to <a href="http://mrmonday.deviantart.com/" target="_top">Mr. Monday</a>! Mr. Monday, please <a href="mailto:oblimo@gmail.com">email me</a> with your custom short story request. 
<p>• <em>12/17/06</em> - (2) <small>STOP THE PRESSES! <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Its-Always-Time-Book-Four#Update12/17/06EXTENDEDSCENE" target="_top">EXTENDED UPDATE</a>!</small> Added 1,600 more words of 100% pure Strawberry Banana goo'ness. I'm trying for the most outrageous DG money-shot in history, here, folks. Let me know if it works.
<p>• <em>12/17/06</em> - (1) Story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Its-Always-Time-Book-Four#Update12/17/06EXTENDEDSCENE" target="_top">update</a>! <strike>(Another road trip today, so this one's a tad short.)</strike> 
<p>• <em>12/14/06</em> - Story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Its%20Always%20Time%20Book%20Four#Update12/14/06" target="_top">update</a>! (Banana gets taken for a test drive.)
<p>• <em>12/11/06</em> - Story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Its%20Always%20Time%20Book%20Four#Update12/11/06" target="_top">update</a>! She's back, and she brought her banana!
<p>• <em>12/10/06</em> - Story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Its%20Always%20Time%20Book%20Four#Update12/10/06" target="_top">update</a>!
<p>• <em>12/09/06</em> - Started a real <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Blog#Blog" target="top">blog</a> (which can be viewed <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Blog#Blog" target="top">on the wiki</a> or on <a href="http://oblimo.blogspot.com/">blogspot proper</a>). Hopefully, the easier interface will mean more frequent blogging.
<p>• <em>12/08/06</em> - Story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Its%20Always%20Time%20Book%20Four#Update12/8/06" target="_top">update</a>! (This one is a test of True Nerdhood.)
<p>• <em>12/07/06</em> - Darkbunny is helping me with a java IRC applet (thanks Db!). We'll try the chats later in the evening next time. Also, I hope to have the next update posted by Saturday night!
<p>• <em>12/06/06</em> - First pre-scheduled chat is about to start. No idea if this is going to work. Let's find out!
<p>• <em>12/05/06</em> - Quick story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Its-Always-Time-Book-Four#ChapterTwelve" target="_top">update</a> to start Chapter 12 off with a bang!
<p>• <em>12/04/06</em> - Story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Its-Always-Time-Book-Four#Update12/04/06" target="_top">update</a>! (Fixed link - Sorry.) End of Chapter 11! The format is pretty experimental, so let me know if it works.
<p>• <em>12/02/06</em> - Story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Its%20Always%20Time%20Book%20Four#Update12/02/06" target="_top">update</a>!
<p>• <em>11/30/06</em> - Story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Its-Always-Time-Book-Four#Update11/30/06" target="_top">update</a>! (Short but <em>freaky</em>-hot.)
<p>• <em>11/28/06</em> - Story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Its%20Always%20Time%20Book%20Four#Update11/28/06" target="_top">update</a>!
<p>• <em>11/27/06</em> - Set up the <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/FAQ" target="_top">FAQ</a>. Do you have a question you want answered in the FAQ? Submit a comment on the top of the FAQ page!
<p>• <em>11/25/06</em> - Story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Its%20Always%20Time%20Book%20Four#Update11/25/06" target="_top">update</a>! (Major plot point, including a moment I've been planning out for freakin' <em>months.</em>)
<p>• <em>11/24/06</em> - Story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Its%20Always%20Time%20Book%20Four#Update11/24/06" target="_top">update</a>. (Warning: drama!)
<p>• <em>11/23/06</em> - Happy (USA) Thanksgiving! Time for a roadtrip! Still planning on an update tomorrow night.
<p>• <em>11/19/06</em> - Story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Its%20Always%20Time%20Book%20Four#Update11/19/06" target="_top">update</a>! <b><font color=red>100,000 WORDS!</font></b>
<p>• <em>11/18/06</em> - Posted a <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/ScrapBook#StealthScrapGetintheCar" target="_top">preview</a> of the next update in the Scrap Book.
<p>• <em>11/15/06</em> - Story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Its%20Always%20Time%20Book%20Four#Update11/15/06" target="_top">update</a>! (Short 'n sharp.)
<p>• <em>11/14/06</em> - Story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Its%20Always%20Time%20Book%20Four#Update11/14/06" target="_top">update</a>! (A quickie.)
<p>• <em>11/14/06</em> - New <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Gallery#Gatalatea18+" target="_top">fan art</a> in the Gallery! Thank you, <a href="http://madadric.deviantart.com/" target="_top">Mad Adric</a>!
<p>• <em>11/13/06</em> - Roadtripin' back home, but, for the curious, here is are a couple of rough <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/ScrapBook#ScrapsforScenesfromaCrowdedJeep" target="_top">previews</a> of what's about to happen next in the Scrap Book.
<p>• <em>11/12/06</em> - Laptop broke on the roadtrip! Writing w/ pen and paper tonight.
<p>• <em>11/11/06</em> - Road trip! But I'll be (re)writing tonight.
<p>• <em>11/07/06</em> - Story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Its%20Always%20Time%20Book%20Four#ChapterEleven" target="_top">update</a>, kicking off Chapter Eleven!
<p>• <em>11/06/06</em> - Story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Its%20Always%20Time%20Book%20Four#Update11/6/06" target="_top">update</a>, completing Chapter Ten!
<p>• <em>11/05/06</em> - Story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Its%20Always%20Time%20Book%20Four#Update11/5/06" target="_top">update</a>!
<p>• <em>11/04/06</em> - Still working out the kinks, so I posted a <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/ScrapBook#ScrapsforZombieCarwash" target="_top">rough scrap</a> of part of the next update to the Scrap Book.
<p>• <em>11/03/06</em> - I expect to post an update late tomorrow afternoon!
<p>• <em>11/02/06</em> - I lied. New fan art in the Gallery! <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Gallery#SeanRakaAriamaki" target="_top">Paragon City character models</a> courtesy of Sean R.
<p>• <em>11/02/06</em> - I've been editing, so nothing new yet. Sorry!
<p>• <em>10/30/06</em> - Story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Its%20Always%20Time%20Book%20Four#Update10/30/06" target="_top">update</a>!
<p>• <em>10/27/06</em> - Posted a <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/ScrapBook#ScrapsforJeepSceneContinued" target="_top">rough scrap</a> of some of the next update to the Scrap Book.
<p>• <em>10/25/06</em> - Story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Its%20Always%20Time%20Book%20Four#Update10/25/06" target="_top">update</a>! (Rough draft polished and published by demand.)
<p>• <strike><em>10/25/06</em> - Posted a <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/ScrapBook#ScrapsforChapter10JeepScene" target="_top">rough draft</a> of the first part of the next update to the <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/ScrapBook" target="_top">Scrap Book</a>.</strike>
<p>• <em>10/24/06</em> - No road trips, so I expect to update this Thursday!
<p>• <em>10/22/06</em> - Looks like the tag-world server is down. Phooey.
<p>• <em>10/21/06</em> - Story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Its%20Always%20Time%20Book%20Four#Update10/21/062" target="_top">update</a>! Ha!
<p>• <em>10/21/06</em> - A <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Its%20Always%20Time%20Book%20Four#Update10/21/06" target="_top">quick story update</a> finishes the hallway scene. More updates soon, hopefully <strike>tonight</strike> tomorrow.
<p>• <em>10/18/06</em> - Celebrating the end of the road trips with a fun <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Its%20Always%20Time%20Book%20Four#Update10/18/06" target="_top">story update</a>! 
<p>• <em>10/16/06</em> - Addendum: Another freakin' 400 mile road trip today! I expect the next update to be posted Thursday or Friday.
<p>• <em>10/16/06</em> - Added some fun hints about the Epic of Gilgamesh to the <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/CheatSheetShowAll" target="_top">Cheat Sheet</a>. Check out Chris Siren's <a href="http://home.comcast.net/~chris.s/assyrbabyl-faq.html">Assyro-Babylonian FAQ</a> for a crash course on this stuff.
<p>• <em>10/14/06</em> - Story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Its%20Always%20Time%20Book%20Four#Update10/14/06" target="_top">update!</a> 2,000 words! No sex! But the plot is now officially naked!
<p>• <em>10/11/06</em> - Added a <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/ScrapBook#ScrapsforChapter10" target="_top">rough draft of the next section of Chapter 10</a> in the Scrap Book. I'm going on a 400 mile road trip tomorrow, so no updates until the weekend.
<p>• <em>10/09/06</em> - <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Its%20Always%20Time%20Book%20Four" target="_top">Book Four</a> is open for business! Includes a tiny bit of <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Its%20Always%20Time%20Book%20Four#ChapterTen" target="_top">Chapter Ten</a>, too!
<p>• <em>10/08/06</em> - Spruced up and fleshed out the <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/CheatSheetShowAll" target="_top">Cheat Sheet</a>.
<p>• <em>10/07/06</em> - Added a <a href="http://gabbly.com/oblimo.pbwiki.com" target="_top">PopUp Chat</a> to the <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/CommPanel" target="_top">CommPanel</a>, because MJM asked for one.
<p>• <em>10/06/06</em> - Story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Its%20Always%20Time%20Book%20Three#InterludeGetIntoYou" target="_top">update</a>! The last Interlude is fisinished, along with Book Three!
<p>• <em>10/05/06</em> - Added another <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/ScrapBook#InterludeScrapsContinued" target="_top">chunk of the Interlude</a> to the Scrap Book preview section. 2/3rds done at 1400 words.
<p>• <em>10/05/06</em> - Created a <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/CommPanel" target="_top">Communications Panel</a>, all the ways to chat with Oblimo & friends on one page! Please <a href="mailto:oblimo@gmail.com">let me know</a> if there are any bugs.
<p>• <em>10/04/06</em> - Posted a <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/ScrapBook#ScrapsforBook3Interlude" target="_top">preview</a> of the upcoming Interlude between Books Three and Four in the scrap book.
<p>• <em>10/02/06</em> - Story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Its%20Always%20Time%20Book%20Three#Update10/2/06" target="_top">update</a>! Chapter Nine is finished! Can you believe we're going to Book <em>Four?</em> I sure as heck can't.
<p>• <em>09/30/06</em> - The <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Its%20Always%20Time%20Book%20Three#Update9/28/06" target="_top">reworked</a> scene is up. Not much modification, but I think it's better. So there (x2).
<p>• <em>09/29/06</em> - Opened a <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Workshop" target="_top">Workshop</a>! It seems that the <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Its%20Always%20Time%20Book%20Three#Update9/28/06" target="_top">latest update</a> was too weird, even for you guys ;) , so I am reworking it based on reader feedback. Please leave a comment in the <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Workshop" target="_top">Workshop</a> if you have any questions or ideas!
<p>• <em>09/28/06</em> - Story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Its%20Always%20Time%20Book%20Three#Update9/28/06" target="_top">update</a>! Looks like I lied about ending the chapter, but the 4th to last sex scene is finished. So there.
<p>• <em>09/24/06</em> - Story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Its%20Always%20Time%20Book%20Three#Update9/24/2006" target="_top">update</a>! The update after this one will finish off Chapter Nine.
<p>• <em>09/21/06</em> - Story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Its%20Always%20Time%20Book%20Three#Update9/21/06" target="_top">update</a>! This chapter's end is nigh.
<p>• <em>09/20/06</em> - Edited <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Its%20Always%20Time%20Book%20One#ChapterOneThereAintNothingintheWorld" target="_top">Chapter One</a>. Holy crap, why didn't anyone tell me about all those typos?
<p>• <em>09/19/06</em> - Story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Its%20Always%20Time%20Book%20Three#Update9/19/06" target="_top">update</a>! I hope you like it hot, folks.
<p>• <em>09/17/06</em> - Added a short <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/ScrapBook#ScrapsfortheShowerScene" target="_top">preview of the shower scene</a> to the Scrap Book since I didn't get enough of my notes reworked for a full update. Still: <em>Pluvia scaenae!</em>
<p>• <em>09/16/06</em> - Story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Its%20Always%20Time%20Book%20Three#Update9/16/06" target="_top">update</a>! I'm still rewriting; I expect to post more tomorrow night.
<p>• <em>09/14/06</em> - Added a meebo IM widget to the <a class="WikiLink" id="p-d40f85cd700086316fb9707a91b51ef2aed2e2f3" href="/SideBar">SideBar</a>. If you want to send me an  private instant message, wanting to know what's taking so darn long with the latest updates for example, just meebo me!
<p>• <em>09/12/06</em> - Started a <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Lists" target="_top">page of lists</a>. Warning: contains vague spoilers.
<p>• <em>09/10/06</em> - Structural and stylistical editing of <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Its%20Always%20Time%20Book%20Three#ChapterEightAWaySoFamiliar" target="_top">Chapter Eight</a> (no new substance yet).
<p>• <em>09/08/06</em> - Story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Its%20Always%20Time%20Book%20Three#Update9/8/06" target="_top">update</a>!
<p>• <em>09/05/06</em> - Story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Its%20Always%20Time%20Book%20Three#Update9/5/06" target="_top">update</a>. Shorter but <em>hotter.</em>
<p>• <em>09/02/06</em> - Split Chapter Six of <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Its%20Always%20Time%20Book%20Three" target="_top">Book Three</a> into two smaller chapters with a bunch of structural editing (no new substance yet).
<p>• <em>08/31/06</em> - Story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Its%20Always%20Time%20Book%20Three#Update8/31/06" target="_top">update, finally</a>! Short but <i>hot</i>.
<p>• <em>08/23/06</em> - Story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Its%20Always%20Time%20Book%20Three#ChapterEight" target="_top">update</a>! (First section of Chapter Eight!)
<p>• <em>08/21/06</em> - Posted the second draft of Chapter Six; no major changes, just lots of typos and a few continuity fixes. The convention is finally over, so I hope to post a real update by Thursday!
<p>• <em>08/16/06</em> - Added a quick <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/ScrapBook#ScrapsforIntrotoChapter8" target="_top">preview of Chapter 8</a> to the <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/ScrapBook" target="_top">Scrap book</a>.
<p>• <em>08/15/06</em> - FYI: Maradon's <a href="http://maradon.pbwiki.com/" target="_top">updated his story</a>, and the maniac has set up a <a href="http://maradon.proboards82.com/" target="_top">message board</a> for discussing goo-girl fiction.
<p>• <em>08/13/06</em> - Looks like Tag-World finished updating their servers. Fixed the font/background color problem in the <!--raw1Tag-->ShoutBox<!--/raw1Tag-->
<p>• <em>08/10/06</em> - Story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Its%20Always%20Time%20Book%20Three#Update8/10/06" target="_top">update</a>, concluding Chapter Seven. Warning: there may not be an update next week; I've got one last convention to support before my promotion.
<p>• <em>08/05/06</em> - It's alive! Story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Its%20Always%20Time%20Book%20Three#Update8/05/06" target="_top">update</a>! Another 1400 words brings the story's (first) lesbian scene past the 11K mark, meaning it gets its own chapter and song verse. Any suggestions for a good lyric?
<p>• <em>08/02/06</em> - Moving to a new apartment! Spotty Internet connection! Will post update later this week!
<p>• <em>7/31/06</em> - Maradon has taken the plunge and started his own <a href="http://maradon.pbwiki.com/" target="_top">goo girl story site</a>! Please provide him with <a href="http://maradon.pbwiki.com/Shoutbox" target="_top">feedback</a> and encouragement, and write your own stuff too! Send me an <a href="mailto:Oblimo@gmail.com">email</a> and I'll be delighted to host your story or post a link. 
<p>• <em>7/29/06</em> - Story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Its%20Always%20Time%20Book%20Three#Update7/29/06" target=_"top">update</a>! 1,700 words to celebrate 10K unique daily hits!
<p>• <em>7/28/06</em> - Story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Its%20Always%20Time%20Book%20Three#Update7/28/06" target="_top">update</a>! (Here endeth Lesson Four.)
<p>• <em>7/27/06</em> - Since "real" work is slowing down my writing this week, I've set up a <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/ScapBook" target="_top">Scrap Book</a> of the update I'm working on. I hope to have a real update ready Friday night.
<p>• <em>7/25/06</em> - The real world intrudes; the next update may be delayed until this Thursday or Friday.
<p>• <em>7/22/06</em> - Story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Its%20Always%20Time%20Book%20Three#Update7/22/06" target="_top">update</a>!
<p>• <em>7/20/06</em> - A quick <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Its%20Always%20Time%20Book%20Three#Updated7/20/06" target="_top">update</a> to prove I'm still alive and typing. This one needed a little ret-con.
<p>• <em>7/17/06</em> - Added a <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Blog" target="_top">blog</a>! (Sad, isn't it?)
<p>• <em>7/15/06</em> - Story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Its%20Always%20Time%20Book%20Three#Update7/15/06" target="_top">update</a>! (Lesson three is done, lesson four has just begun.)
<p>• <em>7/12/06</em> - Story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Its%20Always%20Time%20Book%20Three#Update7/12/06" target="_top">update</a>!
<p>• <em>7/10/06</em> - Added <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/BadWitch" target="_top">Bad Witch</a>, a preliminary dialogue scene, to the <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Cutting%20Room%20Floor" target="_top">Cutting Room Floor</a>.
<p>• <em>7/08/06</em> - Changed "Jellojitsu" to "Goojitsu." Thanks, Jako! Your pun-fu is mightier than mine!
<p>• <em>7/08/06</em> - Added a popup <a href="http://gabbly.com/oblimo.pbwiki.com/" target="_top">Chat Room</a>!
<p>• <em>7/07/06</em> - Story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Its%20Always%20Time%20Book%20Three#Update7/07/06" target="_top">update</a>!
<p>• <em>7/06/06</em> - <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/ShakeAndBake" target="_top">Update</a> to the Cutting Room Floor wherein I have intercourse with my wife!
<p>• <em>7/05/06</em> - Story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Its%20Always%20Time%20Book%20Three#Update7/5/06" target="_top">update</a>. (Quicky but kinky.)
<p>• <em>7/03/06</em> - Opened the <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Gallery" target="_top">Gallery</a>! With new art of <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/BlackCherry_by_Kenshin" target="_top">Black Cherry</a>! (Wow, and I mean <em>wow</em>. I am looking for more art; I'll trade customized erotica for it!)
<p>• <em>7/02/06</em> - Story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Its%20Always%20Time%20Book%20Three#Update7/2/06" target="_top">update</a>!
<p>• <em>6/29/06</em> - My family is moving to a new house, so updates may be delayed until Monday the 3rd.
<p>• <em>6/27/06</em> - Story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Its%20Always%20Time%20Book%20Three#ChapterSeven" target="_top">update</a>. (An appetizer-sized portion of Chapter Seven.)
<p>• <em>6/24/06</em> - Story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Its%20Always%20Time%20Book%20Three#Update6/24/06" target="_top">update</a>! (Finishing Chapter Six! So much for plot, time to get back to the sex!)
<p>• <em>6/24/06</em> - Added Galatea art to home page! (Hit refresh to see.) <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/f/Galatea1C.jpg" target="_blank">Original image</a>.
<p>• <em>6/21/06</em> - Story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Its%20Always%20Time%20Book%20Three#Update6/21/06" target="_top">update</a>. (Almost...<em>there</em>.)
<p>• <em>6/20/06</em> - Quick story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Its%20Always%20Time%20Book%20Three#Update6/20/06" target="_top">update</a> to prove I'm still alive. Hope to finish <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Its%20Always%20Time%20Book%20Three#ChapterSixTheDarkSidesLight" target="_top">Chapter 6</a> tonight or tomorrow.
<p>• <em>6/18/06</em> - Added a <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Links" target="_top">links page</a>.
<p>• <em>6/17/06</em> - Story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Its%20Always%20Time%20Book%20Three#Update6/17/06" target="_top">update</a>. (<em>Still</em> no sex. Thanks to Jason for the nickname "Cherry Cupcake!")
<p>• <em>6/15/06</em> - Story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Its%20Always%20Time%20Book%20Three#Update6/15/06" target="_top">update</a>. (No sex, just plot.)
<p>• <em>6/12/06</em> - Story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Its%20Always%20Time%20Book%20Three#Update6/12/06" target="_top">update</a> (finishing Black Cherry's (first?) big scene).
<p>• <em>6/10/06</em> - Submitted the first section of the story to <a href="http://english.literotica.com/stories/showstory.php?id=259594" target="_top">Literotica</a> to see what the literoti think of it. 
<p>• <em>6/09/06</em> - Story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Its%20Always%20Time%20Book%20Three#Update6/9/06" target="_top">update</a>!
<p>• <em>6/05/06</em> - I am working 15 hours days at a business convention until the 7th, so updates may be delayed until Friday the 9th.
<p>• <em>6/04/06</em> - Story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Its%20Always%20Time%20Book%20Three#Update6/4/06" target="_top">update</a>. (<font color="red">60,008</font> words!)
<p>• <em>6/03/06</em> - Copy of <a href=/f/Oblimo_IAT_BookOne_6_3_06.htm target="_top">Book One</a> formatted for offline viewing available for download!
<p>• <em>6/03/06</em> - New disclaimer on the <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/FrontPage" target="_top">home page</a> thanks to <a href="http://liquidmark.deviantart.com" target="_top">Liquid Mark</a>!
<p>• <em>6/01/06</em> - Story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Its%20Always%20Time%20Book%20Three#Update6/1/06" target="_top">update</a>. (A quickie. But dirty!)
<p>• <em>5/30/06</em> - <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Clerks" target="_top">Preview</a> of a future scene added to the <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Cutting%20Room%20Floor" target="_top">Cutting Room Floor</a>. (<b>Spoilers!</b>)
<p>• <em>5/29/06</em> - Story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Its%20Always%20Time%20Book%20Three#Update5/29/06" target="_top">update</a> ("Bring it.")
<p>• <em>5/28/06</em> - Fixed update links. Added a minor <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Its%20Always%20Time%20Book%20Three#Revision5_28_06" target="_top">revision</a> to the latest <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Its%20Always%20Time%20Book%20Three#Update5/28/06" target="_top">update</a> to show what's going on inside Yves' head.
<p>• <em>5/28/06</em> - Story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Its%20Always%20Time%20Book%20Three#Update5/28/06" target="_top">update</a>. This first section of the big scene of <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Its%20Always%20Time%20Book%20Three#ChapterSix" target="_top">Chapter Six</a> is pretty experimental. Let me know if it works!
<p>• <em>5/26/06</em> - Addendum: I just noticed the embarrassment of adverbs in <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/EndTimes" target="_top">End Times</a>. Must edit after I get through the next section of It's Always Time! 
<p>• <em>5/26/06</em> - Created a vault for old stories. Added <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/EndTimes" target="_top">End Times</a>, a story I wrote years ago. Be gentle.
<p>• <em>5/26/06</em> - Added <!--raw1Tag-->ShoutBox<!--/raw1Tag--> to <!--raw1Tag-->SideBar<!--/raw1Tag-->.
<p>• <em>5/26/06</em> - Next section is proving to be tricky. I expect to post it to the story or the cutting room floor tomorrow evening. (Sorry!)
<p>• <em>5/24/06</em> - Created <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/FrontPage" target="_top">Home Page</a>. Formatted <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/FrontPage"  target="_top">Book One</a>. Created toggle for <!--raw1Tag-->CheatSheet<!--/raw1Tag--> (i.e., wasted hours on html instead of writing porn).
<p>• <em>5/23/06</em> - Added goofy cheat sheet to the <!--raw1Tag-->SideBar<!--/raw1Tag--> (I'm amazed it works).
<p>• <em>5/22/06</em> - Story <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Its%20Always%20Time%20Book%20Three#Update5/22/06" target="_top">update</a> (...and I thought this stuff couldn't get any weirder).
<p>• <em>5/21/06</em> - Story <a href ="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Its%20Always%20Time%20Book%20Three#Update5/21/06" target="_top">update</a> (teaser ending, but the fun has begun).
<p>• <em>5/20/06</em> - Story <a href ="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Its%20Always%20Time%20Book%20Three#Update5/20/06" target="_top">update</a> (subtle cliffhanger; the real fun is just about to start).
<p>• <em>5/19/06</em> - Added the <a href ="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Yves%20Explains%20It%20All#CompletedScene" target="_top">completed scene</a> to <a href ="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Yves%20Explains%20It%20All" target="_top">Yves Explains It All</a>. I don't want to post it to the main page because this section doesn't move the story forward (yet) and I'm working on somethin' <em>big.</em>
<p>• <em>5/18/06</em> - Added a dialogue between Dee and Yves to the <a href ="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Yves%20Explains%20It%20All" target="_top">Cutting Room Floor</a> (revised).
<p>• <em>5/18/06</em> - Fixed a continuity error in <a href ="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Its%20Always%20Time%20Book%20Two#ChapterFiveAnythingThatYouCantBreak" target="_top">Chapter Five</a>. My thanks to Gavin for pointing it out!
<p>• <em>5/17/06</em> - Story <a href ="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Its%20Always%20Time%20Book%20Three" target="_top">Update</a>: Book Three!
<p>• <em>5/17/06</em> - Using iframe to keep an update log (oooh, fancy).
<p>• <em>5/16/06</em> - Placed rough draft of the introduction to Book Three on the <a href ="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Hello%20Yves" target="_top">Cutting Room Floor</a>.
<p>• <em>5/15/06</em> - Revised the <a href ="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Its%20Always%20Time%20Book%20Two#InterludeShellShonuffShowYou" target="_top">Interlude</a> of <a href ="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Its%20Always%20Time%20Book%20Two" target="_top">Book Two</a> (original draft now on the <a href ="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Little%20Nikki" target="_top">Cutting Room Floor</a>).
<p>• <em>5/14/05</em> - Story <a href ="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Its%20Always%20Time%20Book%20Two#InterludeShellShonuffShowYou" target="_top">update</a> (concluding Book Two).
<p>• <em>5/13/06</em> - Story <a href ="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Its%20Always%20Time%20Book%20Two#Update5_13_06" target="_top">update</a> (completing Chapter Five).
<p>• <em>5/11/06</em> - Story <a href ="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Its%20Always%20Time%20Book%20Two#Update5_11_06" target="_top">update</a>.
<p>• <em>5/10/06</em> - Story <a href ="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Its%20Always%20Time%20Book%20Two#Update5_10_06" target="_top">updates</a>.
<p>• <em>5/10/06</em> - Minor retcon; story now starts on a Sunday night.
<p>• <em>5/7/06</em> - The story is now split into two pages, <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Its%20Always%20Time%20Book%20One" target="_top">Book One</a> and <a href="http://oblimo.pbwiki.com/Its%20Always%20Time%20Book%20Two" target="_top">Book Two</a>.</div>